
Summary: Unspecified Depressive Disorder

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Question 1
Carlos, is a 32 year old Latino, who has numerous presenting symptoms that implicate he’s suffering from major depressive disorder. For the last six months the factors triggering his depression appear to have elicited more. During his assessment, Carlos mentioned he lost his brother a year ago, felt unhappy, and considers taking his life away. The last few weeks these feelings have increased in him frequently. Many people like Carlos that share a traumatic loss of family members exhibit symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, difficulty sleeping, concentrating, anxiety, aggression, and depression (Lesser & Pope, 2011). There are several things that have led Carlos to feel this way like living beneath his accustomed standards, …show more content…

All the feelings that arise in him stem from depression. Furthermore, since there was a lot of information that was missing in order to complete his diagnosis, which led me to consider the unspecified depressive disorder. These symptoms described under this diagnosis, cause clinically significant suffering or damage in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning prevail, but do not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the depressive disorders diagnostic class (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The amount of alcohol Carlos intakes a day remained important when I considered unspecified. Many of the statements specified by Carlos did not include how they made him feel inside. Some of his emotions were not touched upon, which made things unclear. Most of his day to day feelings were not fully touched upon. The unspecified depressive disorder is used when there is insufficient information to make a more specific diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The factors like mentioned above led me to identify that Carlos’s status as unspecified. After thoroughly studying his case I was able to point out the symptoms that are described under the criteria for depressive disorder. Depression can change your sleeping habits, appetite, weight, interest in love, and/or interest in the world (Berzoff, et al., 2008). Carlos deliberated these symptoms not directly, but he still …show more content…

We can actually begin to understand some of the phases Carlos goes through each of the theories. Erik Erickson a unique ego psychologist who examined how the ego maintains coherence over the course of an average expectable human life cycle (Berzoff, et al., 2008).He strongly felt that we needed to master certain stages of our life to successfully enter the new stage. Erickson linked biological zones with particular modes of ego functioning and demonstrated how self and identity are biologically, psychologically, and socially determined (Berzoff, et al., 2008). Our surroundings are what makes up our lives and through that we are shaped. Carlos came into the clinic during middle adulthood. During this time Freud, described generativity versus stagnation the stage of middle adulthood. Through this stage the ability to extend interests both within and outside the home, and to establish and guide future generation, are particular challenges for men and women in midlife (Berzoff, et al., 2008). This stage is very crucial in ones development as an adult. Having the ability to provide success not only within your family, but also to the world is something many middle adult’s desire. It’s a moment in which you want to feel like you accomplished a lot and will see those accomplishments in your children. The decisions taken during this stage are made with the certainty that it will fulfill

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