
Humor In Atardo By Attardo

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The first chapter of the book by Attardo, which includes a review of important theories of humor, allows a reader to realize quickly that definitions of humor as much as humor itself are full of ambiguities. Humor has been studied by linguists, psychologists and anthropologists. Hence, this concept has been regarded from many sides and many its aspects have been discovered.
As much as bilingualism, humor has been defined in its strictest sense as something that elicits laughter and in a less strict sense as something that amuses or is felt to be funny and can elicit even a smile (Attardo)
A researcher who is interested in humor should be ready to face the challenge of identifying it and being subjective. One of the traps of humor, mentioned …show more content…

Incongruity theory is based on the idea that laughter is “a result of perception of the incongruity between a concept and the real objects” (Schopenhauer, 1819 quoted in Attardo: 1994:48) When applied to linguistics, to bilingual humor notably, I believe that code-switching can be humorous itself because of the effect of incongruity. Conversely, the idea of two different linguistic systems standing next to each other is amusing. However, humorous code-switching is much more complex than that: it includes incongruity of phonetic and grammar systems, associations with various discourses and sociolinguistic and communicative …show more content…

According to this theory the first laughter was a triumphal laughter of a winner who felt superior to someone else. From this perspective it will be interesting to observe code-switching or its lack in examples of disparaging humor. Given that code-switching has social functions of inclusion or exclusion, creation of distance or expression of sense of community and solidarity (chapter), the language choice of a speaker and code-switching in humorous interactions can have an important effect on humor perception by other participants. For instance, teasing someone in the language which represents the sense of community between both speakers will be perceived friendlier and less aggressive than the opposite situation in which the speaker uses disparaging humor in a different

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