Humor, it is one of the greatest devices used in literature, writing, or even just everyday conversation with close friends and family. Humor has the ability to lighten moods, entertain, or breaking barriers between strangers. When people use humor correctly to entertain, rather than offend a certain group of people, they can attract laughs from anyone, even if they were the center of the joke. Through humor being modernized, transformed, to a variety of different people, with a myriad of tastes, people have specialized in telling these jokes to audiences and have a gotten many different reactions to their jokes. From laughter, to indifference, and even anger, the humorists of today say the things many are afraid to say or even hear. One of the many controversial topics that these humorists bring to light is that of racism, stereotypes, and the struggles between whites and minorities. When done correctly, these jokes and skits can promote an important satirical message about our world and society today. One of the most popular comedians today is Dave Chappelle, an African-American man who grew up in Washington D.C. He is famous for his skits on the Chappelle’s Show, and his standup comedy. Most of his comedy shows the troubles of being African-American in America today in a sarcastic tone. In one of his most famous bits, he portrays a blind African-American who is a white supremacist. Throughout the skit, he continues to use slurs and stereotypes to insult
Norman Cousins said, “Laughter is a powerful way to tap positive emotions" (Moss 1). Humor is studied by many researchers in sociology, psychology, art, literature, and medicine. When people wonder whether humor aids in areas other than health, a treasure trove of possible benefits to the learning or educational community is opened up. Humor can be used as a tool to promote learning.Research speaks to the many benefits of humor in healing, to its benefits in the classroom or boardroom, from reducing stress of students or employees, to boosting self-esteem and feelings of camaraderie. Additionally, studies show that those who use humor to convey a message are often more favorably perceived. Humor helps deliver the presenter's message to
If we laugh it’s not always that we’re happy, but sometimes it’s a silent message to truth. Comedy is a way of expressing laughter, sarcasm, and comics. If we go in depth and examine comics from philosophical perspective we intriguer different views and opinions regarding to what comedy is really about. Philosophers such as Hegel and Bergson defined comedy as delivering a message that relates to phenomenology of spirit as Hegel mentioned, or as Bergson has mentioned it is laughter and comedy that relates to something. In my paper, I’ll expose why each of them make sense in a way that defines what is the significance meaning of comic moment, also how it combines tragedy to comedy while still we can see the difference in between.
Humor affects how people relate to one another. As “much humor draws on the sophisticated use of grammar and lexicon, as well as culture-specific references, genres, and discourse patterns,” (Shively 1), it is considered the height of knowledge of the language to understand its humor. Humor is a type of ludic language play, or using words for one’s own enjoyment or amusement.
Humor is kinda a break the workplace and in the brain there for the better working of the employees. They did experiments and the researchers used a clip of British sitcom mr. bean as their humorous material they said it was important to choose something you find funny because amusement was the main emotion that did the best each time in the experiments.
Humor plays a very important role in coping with stressful and adverse life circumstances. Gross and Munoz (1995) stated that humor can be viewed as an important emotional regulation mechanism contributing to one’s mental health. According to Fredrickson (2001), the positive emotion of mirth accompanying humor alleviates the negative feelings of anxiety, anger and depression. It enables an individual to think in a broader and flexible manner and engage in creative problem solving.
Individuals when assessing desirable personality traits rate humor among one of the most important traits for individuals to have. Individuals with a good sense of humor are often seen as making a better leader, more likeable, having a healthier personality, and being more intelligent. For this research article Nicholas A. Kuiper and Catherine Leite studied four types of humor, two adaptive types of humor and two maladaptive types of humor. The two adaptive types of humor were affiliative humor which is seen as playful, helps reduce stress, and enhance relationships, and self-enhancing humor, which is described as warmer, more social, and enhances interpersonal relationships. The two maladaptive types of humor are aggressive which is used to make oneself feel better and self-defeating humor which is used to put oneself down, ridicule, and be the “butt” of all the jokes. For this study there were 166 total participants 102 female participants and 64 male participants, the participants were taken in groups of 15-30 people and were given a description of one of the four types of humor and asked to rate on how desirable the traits were for a typical college student.
The social implications of humor stood out to me in this chapter, because it begins discussion how humor can be both positive and negative in nature. Personally my family uses sarcasm to access sometimes and the effects on each other take a toll. We often do not take into account that sarcasm is hurtful. In some strange way we have learned how to express our love for each other with sarcasm.
Some people find humor in jokes or actions that other people find annoying or obnoxious. Laughing
Comedy exists in difference. Therefore, comedy must exist on a plane where there is a standard - something that can be considered normal, the concept of a default. Once you’ve set the standard for what is normal, anything that can be considered abnormal can be a source of comedy. Simple enough. But the question of what is normal has extreme situational, personal, and geographic implications. In talking about comedy and race the implications are simple. There is a clear default in a world oversaturated by Western media – the default being whiteness. Once you have set these as the standard, any character who is a deviation of this standard is set up to be laughed at. How then does one go about making jokes when they’ve already been marked as
Comedy is defined as professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh. Comedy is meant to make you laugh, whether it is a joke against the world or the comedian is using themselves or their personal experiences to get an audience to relate to it, making them laugh. Comedians use different techniques to connect with their audience. According to Mel Brooks, “ Humor is just another defense against the universe.” Many comedians such as, George Carlin, Demetri Martin, and Christopher Titus are well-known comedians that use these methods to get a laugh from their audience, but to also make a point to their audience. Humor is a defense mechanism that most comedians use to cope with problems they have had in their past or issues they have with the world.
Presently, people use the word, humor, to describe an event or person that one finds comical. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, one definition is, “The quality that makes something laughable or amusing.” (The American Heritage Dictionary). However, in ancient times the word humor had a completely different meaning.
Emotional events can be very difficult on the mind and how someone may do during their daily life. On a daily basis, laughing can be seen in many people dealing with many different situations; however, not all of these situations are ones where laughing should be present. Although humor is a necessity to living a happy life, if there are situations happening that one would need to take seriously due to it being emotional, then one should take it in strides and try to not cope with humor. Introducing humor as a coping method over long periods of time can lead to psychological issues and shoving everything down inside, instead of talking about it and using a proper coping method for the situation.
Humour is a multi-faceted phenomenon, involving emotional, cognitional, behavioural, social and physiological responses. Humour may be conceptualized as the tendency to laugh, ability to make others laugh, or the willingness to use humour as a coping mechanism. A sense of humour refers to a stable personality-trait related to the perception and production of humour. (Martin, 2004).
Several individuals have regarded me as a humorous person. As a comedic individual, I know that there are a number of people who have a perspective that individuals with a humor talent are immature or not serious people. However, my talent is not merely for entertainment purposes, rather I use this talent very extensively in my life to bring enrichment to others. For instance, when a friend or family member is feeling down, I have of often cracked a joke to bring a smile on their face. Brining a smile on people’s faces is not easy, I am lucky that I have a talent which allows me to brighten up people’s day. Similar to Nil, I too am able to bring life back into others.
Humour means understanding not only the language and words but their use, meaning, subtle nuances, the underlying culture, implications and unwritten messages.