
Humorous Wedding Speech: Mister Jc Merger

Decent Essays

The day was as always exhausting, because there were many guests who were rude and thus spoiled my day.

Tired of everything, I got into my car and drove home. It was late and I was going to bed at once. Since I had late-shift again tomorrow, I could sleep till noon.

"Drrrrring", I woke up by my door bell.

God. Why can't I sleep late one day? Who that will be?

I quickly put a dress on, combed my hair, and went to the door.

"Good morning, Miss, you have a package from a Mister Jc Merger."

"Um, thank you."

Who the hell was Jc Merger?!? A crazy name and a crazy package. I sat down in the living room and opened the packet. On top was card, a birthday card. I began to read.

For my dearest niece Jade,

I don't know if you'll remember me, but I'm your good old Uncle Jack. Yes, I congratulate you on your, oh how old are you when you read this? Well, I wish you a happy birthday. May it be beautiful and your dreams come true. …show more content…

I am currently living in Germany, have a wife, your aunt Laura and a son, Leon. We came here because we had a fight with your father. That dates back 20 years. I think you must have been 6. I am also terribly sorry about what happened in our family. I don't know if you still know your Granny? It was 16 years ago when she arrived here,too. I'm sorry to announce that she died two months ago. The funeral already took place but you are always welcomed to visit us all.

I haven't heard much from your father, just that he's still living with your mother, Catherine, in Chicago, right? I've got your address from her, she told me you quarreled with her? Please make up with her again. I don't want that the same happens to you. I hope we hear more of you and are always kept up to date by our niece? Your cousin wants to get to know you.

In this box you will find pictures of us and you when you were

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