
I Am A Dog Food For My Trolley

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It takes me the whole drive to keep calm. Even though I have annoyance and humiliation swirling in me. I 'm not quite sure what the hell was wrong with him. Normally, when people live in a small town they 're sweet and welcoming, not act like they 're related to Satan. Even he gave me the wrong directions to the grocery store. Oh, the signs of a gentlemen. It doesn 't take me long to find the shopping store, which was literally five streets away. I quickly hop out of my car and remember that I need to get dog food for my golden retriever while I 'm grocery shopping. Then, I rapidly get my iPhone out of my pocket and text mum, sending: Be back in half and hour, love you. I 'm a quick shopper, wasting no time strolling through aisles. Throwing all sorts of items to my trolley. When my trolley is filled to its rim, I get in line. "Sarah?" Someone asks, behind me. I jump back dropping cartoon of eggs on the floor accidentally. "Crap." "I 'm so sorry! I startled you," a boy around the age of seventeen says. His, muscular tan arms shot out picking up the packet of eggs, placing them back to the shelf. He grabs another peer of eggs and handles it to me. "These shouldn 't be cracked." I glance up at the figure in front of me. His smile was soft, like petals caught in a breeze. It was just enough to allow a gleam of white and a slight dimple in his left cheek. "I 'm Cole, Matt 's brother." He says placing the unharmed eggs in my trolley. I glance at him for a brief moment, he

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