
I Am A Robot Essay

Decent Essays

I am a robot or at least that’s what I’ve been told for not being emotional like a girl is expected to be. In reality, I am really emotional and sensitive, but I try not to show my emotions to people. The reason is that I have been pushed around a lot and I have been through really tough situations and it’s hard to express those emotions at times. People ask me to be more opened and others have told me “I’m a robot” which isn’t true. I’m afraid to get hurt like I have been in the past. The only way I know how to not get hurt is by not letting anyone get really closed to me, and I know is wrong, but it is really hard to explain to others that I do not have a bulletproof heart, just a heart that has been through many bullets and has covered the holes with bandaids. I am not a robot. I am an independent strong woman who has goals, and whose only mistake has been caring too much. The main reason why people use the word “robot” to describe me is because robots supposedly don’t have a heart. It breaks my heart when people say that about me, but I try not …show more content…

One being that women are weak and emotional all the time and the other one that latina’s should get married and be in the house. It may sound crazy that people still have these stereotypes, and you would think that being in a modern culture would be more evolve from this judgements often made, but in reality people put a label no matter who you are. My goal has been to prove to people that women are equally strong in comparison to men. That Latinas are smart and capable of success like anyone else. That is another reason why some people consider me a “robot” because I’ve been too independent and often don’t want anyone’s help. Not wanting help isn’t something I should be proud of because there is nothing wrong with someone wanting to help you, but I like to do things myself even if I have to struggle to do them

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