
I Am Vilgoth, God Of Order?

Decent Essays

Speaking out in his true and terrifying voice, “I am Vilgoth, god of order. I am a fallen god and I will be your god soon enough. All those who fear me bow your heads and since I am in a forgiving mood, I will allow you to serve me. Simply kneel in acceptance, and I will spare your lives.” Surprisingly not many of Tresval’s loyal soldiers knelt but still a fair number did and Vilgoth addressed them. “Those who chose to serve me leave now, as for the rest of you, I will show you what the meaning of true power is.”
The sounds of trumpeting heard in the distance, signaled the arrival of Tresval’s reinforcements but they were at least fifteen minutes from the battlefield. General Cross, hoping to stave off their probable annihilation for at least that much time, shouted out his orders to his men to target the demon god. Their swords did nothing and their vault of arrows only made Vilgoth laugh, to gleefully swing his sword, vanquishing anyone it touched. Vilgoth held up his hand and the ground began to shake, throwing men high into the air, disintegrating them. He grabbed General Cross and threw him to the ground. “You are the General of this excuse of an army? If you had knelt, you would have lived. I am a merciful god.” …show more content…

Your own people fear you.” Cross shouted defiantly.
“My own people? I have no people because I control everything around me. You act as if I am human, as if I am on the same level as these maggots. Everyone you see here is but a tool, just a means to an end to get me closer to my ultimate

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