
I Believe The Same Things Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Respect is a big issue the world is facing currently. Too many people in the world are too selfish, and they think everybody needs to pamper them, think the same as them, and enjoy the same things as them. If others would accept that people may have different opinions than they do, the world would be a much kinder, close knit place. I hope that my college experience will prepare me to accept people for who they are even if we don't believe the same things. I hope that it will help prepare me that not everybody can be my friend, but I can still be nice to everybody regardless. I believe that my college experience at a large school will help prepare me for this because I will meet thousands of people at this school, and I am fully aware that hardly any of these people will believe in the same things as I do to a major extent; I will still try my hardest to be as kind of a person as I can be to each of them. I do not know what most of them have been through in their life and what has caused them to act in the ways that they do, whether I personally think it is good or bad. …show more content…

If two groups of people accepted the others as they are instead of trying to make them be just as they are there would be no need to fight. If people realized that the things other people have are their own and that they have earned those objects and wealth, then there would be less stealing, whether that stealing be of objects, self-security, or even their lives. Many of the murders in the world that happen every day are because of jealousy. If people could respect that person and respect the differences between themselves, they would be able to prevent the death and they would be able to talk and fix the problem in a much safer

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