
I First Selected Welcome Letter

Decent Essays

I first selected a gratitude visit to enhance my positive emotions. The word gratitude can have different meaning for different people and it can be used in a religious, philosophical or secular sense. In the context of this portfolio, I used the broad meaning proposed by Sansone which is appreciating something in my life that I perceive as significant and worthy (Sansone & Sansone, 2010), something that comes from outside of me. As noted by Emmons, expressing gratitude is an active process. The initial step asks to reflect on what specifically another person (or animal, object, etc.) has done that brought meaning, and subsequently to express the feeling of thankfulness (Emmons & McCullough, 2003).

TThroughout this portfolio, my goal was to transform my belief from limiting to supporting in order to succeed in my studies. The elements that would bring me there and increase my self-efficacy were: increasing my level of positivity and lowering my stress level.

First, I used the General Self-Efficacy Scale. This general sense of personal efficacy forecasts how an individual will handle stresses and challenges. Some researchers, like Bandura, consider self-efficacy as being specific to a particular domain or task. However, other researchers proposed the notion of a broad sense of self-efficacy which would refer to individuals’ belief that they can cope with new or stressful situations in various domains of their life (Luszczynska et al., 2005; Sherer &

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