
I Have A Dream Short Story

Decent Essays

M.L.K once said “ I have a dream….” Now my mom is saying, “ I have a dream to go to America, and make my kids well educated.” Our family does not really have good education; however, my uncle did go to college. Long before I was born my grandma, her son, and her daughters actually immigrated from Bhutan to Nepal. My family are Nepali, but they just lived in Bhutan. I don’t really know the story, but they had to immigrate from Bhutan, for the government did not like them being there. At least that's what I’ve heard. I guess we are moving for the “American dream”, or to get a better life. Some of my uncles, aunts, and cousins are already in Boston. So it won’t be too bad. In the afternoon (while we packed) we had a conversation about moving: “I can’t wait to get a job,” mom said cheerfully, “and send you guys to a college.” “But aren't you going to miss Nepal?” I asked her with a confused, and a serious face. “We will obviously come and visit Nepal”-she shook her head- “You dummy.” “How about grandma, cousins, and uncle? Aren’t you going to miss them?” my sister questioned mom like she was a interviewer. “They will also come to Boston in like three, or four months,”- she sighed- “Now, no more questions kids.” Later that night I could not go to sleep. I was too worried about moving to Boston. Starting a new life won’t be easy because making new friends in a place where there are kids from different countries, and I don’t even know English good enough. It looks like I

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