
I. Occupational . Occupational Wellness Is "The Ability

Decent Essays

i. Occupational
Occupational wellness is "the ability to achieve balance between work and leisure time" (University of California, Riverside [UCR], 2014). It involves addressing one 's stresses in the workplace and building relationships with co-workers in order to see where one fits. This dimension’s goal is to recognize one’s personal satisfaction through work one is passionate about to achieve that personal sense of meaning of purpose in life (Grand Rapids Community College [GRCC], 2016). I never had an actual job that I got payed for, but I do have experience as a babysitter to my niece and nephew and the kids in my neighborhood without getting paid. I actually love volunteering as a babysitter because I love working with kids. I feel …show more content…

As for my friends from my childhood and high school, I feel that I don’t talk to them as often anymore now that I spend more time with my new friends in college. It’s weird that our communication all stopped. Our bond isn’t the same as it used to be even when we saw each other over break. iii. Emotional
Emotional wellness is “the ability to be aware of and accept one’s feelings” (UCR, 2014). This dimension brings about positivity only when one is optimistic and continues to live and enjoy life regardless of the disappointments, frustrations, and challenges that come in the way. Paying attention to one’s thoughts, behaviors, and feelings, even though they are negative at times, is key to be able to handle and cope with stress and express emotions appropriately (GRCC, 2016). In order to obtain positive emotional wellness, one can also seek support that will help with appropriate emotional expressions and establish one’s priorities in life. I see myself as an optimistic and competent person. I feel that whenever I face challenges in my life, whether they are personal family problems or things related to school and my friends, I always tell myself that everything will be okay at the end and that thinking negatively and feeling depressed will not solve my problems. However, where I see a risk in my emotional wellness is that I tend to keep my emotions inside. I don’t

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