
I Think Sustainability Is A Strategy For Coca-Cola. Sustainability

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I think sustainability is a strategy for Coca-Cola. Sustainability has been a long and on-going journey for Coca-Cola. On their website, I can find a sustainability report back to 2007. In each of these reports/reviews, Coca-Cola will assess performance and progress against the previous year, in addition, the number of indicators is also increasing. This journey has certainly brought benefits to the company. For example, Coca-Cola has focused on sustainable packaging efforts and the creative PlantBottle package design has resulted in an estimated cost-saving of $180 million. The sustainability efforts also helped Coca-Cola to gain access to new market and partners through human right. Management is definitely committed to this. We could …show more content…

The results appear in the report as a prioritization matrix, which shows the relative significance of each topic from business success and stakeholder importance. Water stewardship, active healthy living, packaging, human rights, and product and ingredient safety were top 5 most important.
4. Does it follow GRI and other international framework?
Yes, Coca-Cola have developed their 2014/2015 sustainability report in accordance with the Core level of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines. Actually, it is the fifth consecutive year in which they address GRI reporting requirements. The report also applies the United Nations Global Compact LEAD Program Advanced Criteria for reporting and meets the requirements of the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress.
5. Is report verified by a third party?
Ernst & Young LLP have performed review-level assurance for the calendar year ending December 31,2014 on sustainability indicators related to low- or no-calorie beverages, active, healthy living programs, water use ratio, PlantBottle™ packaging, lost-time incident rate, front-of-pack labeling compliance, and greenhouse gas emissions related to Coca-Cola’s manufacturing activities.
6. Does the report include bad news, good news, challenges and opportunities?
Surely, progress on their sustainability journey would be good news. Not only so, the report included bad news and challenges. For example, Coca-Cola

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