
I Want To Be Alpha Essay

Decent Essays

I would like to consider myself as an alpha although, I am probably more of a beta. I am a straight A student because I work hard; but, I'm a procrastinator and I'm lazy. So, I'm not perfect alpha material. I like to strive for the best; but sometimes I don't put in all the effort that I probably should to receive the best results. Although, I do try many different things to see what I am good at. I don't have the highest confidence in myself; I may have have a harder time doing something because I put it in my mind that I can't do it. I dislike change so in their society that could be considered a good thing because they are set for life. I believe I am smart just not on top so beta fits me just fine. Although that does not mean I will not …show more content…

I would be happy and I wouldn’t know any better. You can only wish to move up in society and if it did work like that it would be like a job. When you work for a long time in a position you would like to be promoted especially if you have worked really hard. In brave new world truthfully everyone seems happy when in reality if they knew the truth they would not be. They are just conditioned to be happy. In the beginning of chapter five on Lenina and Henry's date Lenina makes a comment "I'm glad I'm not an Epsilon" (Chapter 5, pg. 74). Well Henry responds to Lenina’s comment by saying "And if you were an Epsilon," says Henry, "your conditioning would have made you no less thankful that you weren't a Beta or an Alpha" (Chapter 5, Pg. 74). So as Henry said these people are conditioned to be happy as with their selected caste and know nothing better. If I lived in their world with their rules then most likely I would be happy without realizing anything different because that was how I was conditioned. Even from reading chapter eight and meeting Linda she still wanted to go back to her world and she hasn't been back in

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