
Iago's Ethos In Othello Essay

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8ahlmeier 5characters so well, Iago uses ethos to effectively ;udge which method of persuasion to use based on a character’s 0ualities, flaws, motives, and desires, and Iago’s relationship to him or her.Iago easily evokes "assio’s emotions through pathos. #e recogni%es the honorable and valiant virtues "assio e2hibits and uses these virtues to fashion "assio into a pawn. Iago, knowing alcohol to be the counteragent of "assio’s virtues, encourages the sport of drinking to the point where "assio rela2es his conduct and allows his emotions to overcome him, breaking out in a fight which causes him to forfeit his position as officer !II.iii.465-$. "assio has a strong desire for redemption and reinstallation, and Iago suggests "assio beseech …show more content…

:y utili%ing ethos and pathos, Iago uses )esdemona as a device to get revenge on *thello while upholding his own reputation. Iago often uses logos, or logic, to persuade Roderigo. Roderigo values Iago’s advice !I.iii.-4$. In fact, he hardly needs any persuasion( he simply needs instruction. Iago offers Roderigo simple, concise directions, such as “"all up her father. B Rouse him, make after him, poison his delight !I.i.7=6<9$. 8hen Roderigo e2aggerates his torment and contemplates suicide, Iago reasons e2tensively with him and e2plains why that resolution is illogical !I.iii.-9-6-7-$. +hrough logical persuasion, Iago is able to use Roderigo for his own intentions.Iago engages ethos, logos, and pathos when persuading *thello. +hrough ethos, he understands his position is beneath that of *thello so he allows *thello to lead the conversation, inserting casual comments or 0uestions which encourage *thello’s speech, but revealing no information until *thello demands it !III.iii.-4654$. Iago uses logic to defend his accusation of )esdemona, reasoning that since she loved *thello most when she feared his appearance, if that fear were to be negated, she might lose interest and regret the marriage !III.iii.559654$. Amidst tricking *thello, Iago logically sets up safe guards for himself so *thello cannot accuse him of directly condemning )esdemona. 1or instance, his arguments are based on dreams and

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