
Iago's Plan

Decent Essays

In the story “Othello” I give all the credit to the tragedy that follows to Iago’s diabolic and clever plan into all of the death that occurs.
Othello through the whole story believed Iago because he had proof and was know to being “honest”. Iago was a vengeful person and his plan would have fallen, if Desdemona had not left her handkerchief on the bed after wiping sweat off of Othello and stollen by Emilia (Iago’s wife). Iago was very clever as he began his plan by ruining Cassio’s reputation, “I’ll have our Michael Cassio on the hip, Abuse him to the Moor in the rank garb…” (pg. 769) causing Cassio to go to Desdemona for help. When Cassio goes to Desdemona he has no idea that Iago’s plan will commence as he nonchalantly gives Othello the

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