IGN (InGame Name):Your Minecraft account name Knightkiller2000 Date of application:11/07/2015 Age: Simple, your age Almost 11 Country: The country you currently live in, Canada, The United States, China, and so on. United Kingdom England Time zone: GMT InGame ranks (Mine rank and Donation Rank,only if you have one):I Am Wind and T These won't affect your judgement, but also needed. Ex, Donor and Ethereal. - Now time for the detailed and slightly hard part of the application, there will determind if they will hire you or not. 1. Why do you want to be staff?: I Want to be staff so I can be there to help and always be there for others. Also I Enjoy Playing On The Server and I thought lets apply for staff. I Definitely want this job as a helper I loved helping people on v2 and I love it on v3. I could help with anything you would need me to do. I will always be there for the server and I will never stop trying. The Server isn't …show more content…
Describe how you think you could make a difference on CycloneNetwork as a Helper: If any one ever says HACKER in chat I will be there and I will make sure if they are hacking they get found out about. I could make a difference on the server by helping and always being on when ever I can. Why Would I abuse my permissions they are there for helping not for having fun. I Am not to sure what the perms are but I will use them responsibly. I Will be the best roll model to the other player. And Making sure they don't get over don't get over punished. Yes I can build I love building. Ex- "As a difference in the network, I would bring my full potential and self forward, to provide the greatest strength and help to the community members who need it the most. I want to contribute myself to being at assistance and always be there when it comes to players who are abusing the rules. A difference is that I will be there to stop them every time. 3. Have you any past staff experiences? If any, then please describe(DO NOT post other server
4. Why do you want to be helper on PvpingMC?: I would like to be staff on PvpingMC because I really enjoy the server in every aspect, I am very passionate about the server as in I have put a lot of time and money into it in, and I would like to see the server grow even more than it already has in the past year thanks to Noah and other staff and owners. I believe that I can contribute a lot to help the staff team and to help the community. I have always had a great time on PvpingMC even back in the day when the server just had factions gold, green, and kitpvp. I was even active back then. My activity has not diminished even over the past year as I have a total of 19.04 days of playtime on factions pirate since the last reset which was around christmas time. I have extremely enjoyed this server over more than this past year and I would like to make sure that other people and new people have the same chances to enjoy the server as I did. As time goes bye I see players that are more vulgar and toxic and more hackers and I feel like this decreases the ability for players, especially, new players to have fun on any PvpingMC server.
Have you been staff on any other server?: Yes, I have been staff on servers such as Minestrap and some smaller servers, details will be below.
In-game username: My current username is TreeKillerMan, I have never changed my username in the past.
Any past experiences in being a staff member: Yes, staff experience is what I do indeed have. I have been staff on one server so far, and I lasted about six months as a staff member. My staff rank was a senior moderator, and throughout the course of six months I was gaining as much experience as I can as a staff member. So know I know I am ready to take on a bigger challenge and that is why I am here applying for staff on a great server, also known as FairhfulMC.
8.How do you think you can benefit the server by being helper? I can benefit the server because I know the community and most players I know what hacks are I am fairly good at screen sharing I usually know when someone is cheating blatant or not I have also notice that when I am on the server there is not much staff on I am very active I play all day I am also very mature and yes I know I have been toxic in the past but I have changed earlier there was people trying to crash the server and no staff were on i could have fixed this very easy http://i.imgur.com/3uOijJF.png I am very trustworthy and hardworking I know what i am doing as staff and would overall just love to help the maple community out as it is very toxic and i have seen a lot of cheating scum so I would love to clean up these scum bag hackers and make maple great again I am very easy to talk to I can deal with people in a professional manner I'm a very patient and kind person when I'm doing work. I can be playful at times but who isn't?
Please give examples that indicate your ability to function effectively, as a productive member of a team working towards a common objective. Discuss your role and contribution to those teams.
I have tons of experience in staffing, I will list all servers I have been staff on below, why I 'm no longer staff and other stuff.
Have I ever worked on any other HCF Servers: Im going to be honest because I am a firm believer that honesty can lead you along way I have NOT been staff on any other HCF server but I do watch a ton of staff series videos.
Which Opcraft.net server are you applying for? (the gamemode you play the most) Ultra Op factions
8. How do you think you can benefit the server by being helper? - I would Like To Be Apart of this wonderful server staff team as I am very happy about this and its so much fun to play on I am very much enjoying my time on this server and I feel like if I can become Staff on here It will a whole lot more fun a good experience for as I am able to help people and do a whole lot more things and overall I can learn new things I will also try my best to be active as much as possible since I am not busy most days I can be
Do you have any previous staff experience: As I said, I have owned many many PvP servers, such as Kitmap, Practice and HCF. I decided to
Also, I am very active on the forums. What this means that I always look at ban appeals, or look at staff applications, or player reports. When I look at staff applications I always know to reply with some sort of constructive criticism so I can help others become staff. Like I said I always love to help every single player. Going back to dealing with hackers, I know how to tell if someone is using an Autoclicker, or using kill aura. I know what a certain hack looks like. I also have Action. Action is a screen recorder which means that I can record every player that I believe is hacking. I am also applying for staff because I love to help the whole community out. The last time I was staff everyone said “Hey Razo” or something polite because they knew that I was always nice to them, so they were nice back. That is one thing I appreciate about the server most to all are kind. I love to help out the community that is nice and understanding. It makes me feel good when I go to school because I know that I always have a community to look back at when I am feeling down, or I am not having the best day at school. This is really important. Especially when you are going through tough times at school. The last and final reason I want to become staff is to give back to the people that once gave to me. Like when people believed that I should get a second chance that truly meant a lot to me and I just want to give back. Also I want to prove
Ok, let's get started. I want to become a staff member simply because I love to help people. I sometimes see people asking questions that unfortunately do not get answered. I strive to help people in need, whether if it is help for a command, information on the server, or in need of a staff member. I do my best even when I have limited power and impact on the players. With having a lot of experience with owning and being staff on servers under my belt, I will carry that over to this server and help you guys out! Personally, I think my leadership and decision making skills are great and can benefit the server in many ways. While striving to be a role model to the players, I do not cuss, swear, refer to inappropriate things. I have ways of interrogation for when I think members are hacking/modding and have crafty ways of "tricking" them into admission of hacking!
I act with integrity, honesty and knowledge that can help players in times of their need, issues and concerns. I maintain a calm demeanor during periods of high tension or unusual events to keep server operating and to set a positive example for the players and staff team. I contribute to positive team environment by recognizing problem or changes in partner morale and performance and communicating them to higher staff.
Have you had any previous moderating experience? (If so name the server and the player-base): Yes I do