
Icse English Assignment

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IGN (InGame Name):Your Minecraft account name Knightkiller2000 Date of application:11/07/2015 Age: Simple, your age Almost 11 Country: The country you currently live in, Canada, The United States, China, and so on. United Kingdom England Time zone: GMT InGame ranks (Mine rank and Donation Rank,only if you have one):I Am Wind and T These won't affect your judgement, but also needed. Ex, Donor and Ethereal. - Now time for the detailed and slightly hard part of the application, there will determind if they will hire you or not. 1. Why do you want to be staff?: I Want to be staff so I can be there to help and always be there for others. Also I Enjoy Playing On The Server and I thought lets apply for staff. I Definitely want this job as a helper I loved helping people on v2 and I love it on v3. I could help with anything you would need me to do. I will always be there for the server and I will never stop trying. The Server isn't …show more content…

Describe how you think you could make a difference on CycloneNetwork as a Helper: If any one ever says HACKER in chat I will be there and I will make sure if they are hacking they get found out about. I could make a difference on the server by helping and always being on when ever I can. Why Would I abuse my permissions they are there for helping not for having fun. I Am not to sure what the perms are but I will use them responsibly. I Will be the best roll model to the other player. And Making sure they don't get over don't get over punished. Yes I can build I love building. Ex- "As a difference in the network, I would bring my full potential and self forward, to provide the greatest strength and help to the community members who need it the most. I want to contribute myself to being at assistance and always be there when it comes to players who are abusing the rules. A difference is that I will be there to stop them every time. 3. Have you any past staff experiences? If any, then please describe(DO NOT post other server

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