
Ict Systems Strategy And Management

Satisfactory Essays


Srinivas - 189750
Rajesh - 183176
Venkat - 179334
Jawahar - 218429

Task 3
Key Issues Discussed In the Paper
According to me (Srinivas), the key issues discussed in the paper are: The chapter started as the challenges of IS/IT investments. The generic benefits of IT were explained with case studies. Net Benefits of the IT were shown. The paper also showed the developing economy and the need for a new appraisal method. This method was explained in depth in this paper.

According to Rajesh, the key issues discussed in the paper basically are the challenges of IS/IT investments. How the economy is changing over time and there is also a need …show more content…

• No sufficient training to the staffs to use the newly deployed IT and IS.
• No post implementation reviews of IT project in an organization.

Audience of the Paper
According to me (Srinivas), the audience of this paper would be organizations who are and want to implement IS/IT investments and the management and IS/IT students.

Rajesh says that the audience of the paper would be Managers, Business staff and IT Managers within the organizations and the researchers who want to add value to the topic or research on the existing approaches.

Venkat says that the Journal article is based on the Information Technology Domain, and thus the audiences for the article are the management teams of any organization related to information technology.

Jawahar says that senior managers and IT managers of an organization are the main targeted audience of the paper. HR and finance managers are also targeted in this paper.

Critical Analysis of the Paper
I (Srinivas), say that the paper basically started with the development going on within organizations and in the economy. The benefits of IT within the organizations were explained clearly and the disadvantages were also explained. Next, the need for the fresh approach was also shown. The author has clearly shown his view by referring to many authors and explained the new approach clearly. Overall, the paper is informative and

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