
Ideal Gas Lab Report

Better Essays

Henry Moreno

The objective of this lab experiment is to measure the material in the gas phase and to see how the ideal gas experiment could apply to the physical. In this the material we used was, a sip-lock plastic bag, a large plastic beaker, thermometry, dry ice, water, and butane lighter.
In this lab, the experiment focused on the relationship between the temperature and pressure of an ideal gas that was dry ice inside the closed container. Therefore, the volume remains constant because the ideal gas was in a closed container.
Experiment Procedure
First, all the materials were collected. After collecting all the materials was prepared, we started measuring the mass of the beaker and plastic …show more content…

| P(atm) | V(L) | T(K) | N(mol) | R(calc) | 1 | 0.996atm | 3.0L | 296.15 K | 0.142mol | 0.710 | 2 | 0.996atm | 3.0L | 296.15 K | 0.160mol | 0.631 | 3 | 0.996atm | 3.0L | 296.15 K | 0.160mol | 0.631 | 4 | 0.996atm | 3.0L | 296.15 K | 0.096mol | 0.150 | 5 | 0.996atm | 3.0L | 296.15 K | 0.135mol | 0.075 |

Average Value (Trail 1-3) = 0.0657 %error: 19.97%
Average Value (4, 5) = 0.1425 %error: 73.56%

Determining the Molecular Weight of a Gas Trial No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | Room Temp. RT | 25C | 25C | 25C | Water TempWT | 24C | 24C | 24C | Initial MassMi | 12.370g | 12.286g | 12.202g | Final MassMf | 12.286g | 12.202g | 12.118g | Mass of ButaneMi – Mf | 0.084g | 0.084g | 0.084g | Vol. of ButaneVg | 35ml | 35ml | 35ml | Partial PressureOf water, PH2O | 23.76mmHg | 23.76mmHg | 23.76mmHg | Pressure of Butane Pcorr | 733.15mmHg | 733.15mmHg | 733.15mmHg | CALCULATIONS | Pressure of ButanePcorr in atm | 0.965atm | 0.965atm | 0.965atm | Water TempIn K | 297.15K | 297.15K | 297.15K |

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