
Identification And Quantification Of Alternative Translicing In Genome-Wide Transcript Analysis

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Alternative splicing (AS) plays a fundamental role in the diversification of protein function and regulation. AS is the main contributor to cellular diversity, hence, the identification and quantification of differentially spliced transcripts in genome-wide transcript analysis are very important aspects (Conesa et al., 2016). AS is the main component in eukaryotic gene expression that increases coding capacity of the human genome (Tazi et al., 2009). It is frequently being used to produce tissue-specific protein isoforms (Merkin et al., 2012). While the disruption of specific AS events and wrong splice sites usage have been associated with a number of human genetic diseases (Xiong et al., 2015). To date, the 20,000 or so protein-coding …show more content…

While for CuffDiff2, first, it measures isoform expression and subsequently compares the differences. Cufflinks (Trapnell et al, 2013), DiffSplice (Hu et al, 2013), and FDM (Singh et al, 2011) use the Jensen–Shannon divergence metric to infer differential isoform proportion while accounting for variability between replicates. rSeqDiff employs a hierarchical likelihood ratio test to identify both differential gene and isoform expression simultaneously (Shi and Jiang). Nevertheless, all these methods are mostly obstructed by the intrinsic limitations of short-read sequencing for accurate identification at the isoform level (Xie et al., 2014). Cufflinks consider the estimation uncertainty, nonetheless, the test statistic unable to distinguish the contributions from replicates with high or low degrees of estimation uncertainty (Trapnell et al, 2013). ALEXA-seq (Griffith et al., 2010), MISO (Katz et al, 2010), rSeqDiff (Shi and Jiang, 2013), and SpliceTrap (Wu et al, 2011) is designed for two-sample comparison, however, unable to handle replicates samples.

On the other hand, the second category is the exon-based approach. In this approach, it skips the estimation of isoform expression and detects signals of alternative splicing by comparing the distributions of reads on exons and junctions of the genes between the compared samples. This approach is based on the principle that differences in isoform expression can be tracked in the

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