
Identification Of Project Area / Issue

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Identification of project area/issue
Judith (2005) describes that the issue of nurse shortage have negative influence on the field of health care in numerous countries, including UK. A critical shortage of registered nurses exists in the UK and has been a continuous issue for the past decade. For example London still have more than eight thousands of posts vacant for graduated nursing students, which means London hospital, was faced with serious nursing shortage. NHS claims that they are working hard to increase the amounts of nursing staff to solve the problem of staffing shortage. David (2015) researched that nurse vacancy rates are running at 7% in the NHS during past two years. Therefore, NHS employed a lot of International nurses to work in UK hospitals and health care agency (Campbell, 2014). The NHS (2014) data showed that one in five new nurses come from oversea in UK hospitals, it is a big increase employed from outside the UK. Ball (2012) explained that nursing shortage is not a simple problem and the government should be more attention on this phenomenon.
The purpose of NHS is improving the people’s health status in the UK, one of the important elements to success is enough nursing to take care patients. According to Royal College of Nursing (2014), NHS has been recruited overseas nurses to solve the problem of nurse shortage, which aims to stratify patient’s nursing needs, and provide health care for the society. In other words, NHS relies on oversea nurses to

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