
Identifying As A Homosexual For Three Main Reasons

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I feel strongly about identifying as a homosexual for three main reasons and those are one identifying as gay wasn’t a choice, two you have to be very courageous to be out & open about being homosexual, and lastly because love has no gender.
I came out during the end of my freshman year of high school the way I came out was online through facebook letting everyone all at once that I indeed was dating a guy. At the time I didn’t know what the reactions would be but they were all good ones I can reassure you. My friends were screaming “Who is it? Do we know him?” And my mom was more than happy when she saw and all she said to me was that “You know I will always love you no matter what.” The reason I say that it wasn’t a choice is because you don’t choose to be something that most people in the world hate it’s just not something you do. I grew up playing dress up with my cousin and her helping me put on dresses. I even played with dolls for God sake and my mom never once said a word or stopped to tell me “You shouldn’t be doing those things.” Most people will argue saying that it is a “choice” and most people will say it’s a diese. But there are those few who argue to defend the homosexuals, the lesbians, and the bisexuals there’s a special place in heaven for those good samaritans. My favorite quote to this day will always be “Being gay/lesbian or bisexual isn’t a choice but being hateful and spiteful is.” Courage by definition is to do something that frightens one. It takes

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