

Satisfactory Essays

For my movie essay, I chose to write about Idiocracy. Idiocracy is a movie directed by Mike Judge that was released in 2006. It stared actors Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, and Dax Shepard in a comedic science fiction that takes a different outlook, than most other movies, on what the future will hold for humankind. Idiocracy begins, in 2005, with a U.S. army Officer named Collins, played by Mike McCafferty, who is the head of a top secret project known as, The Human Hibernation Experiment. This project was created to freeze talented individuals in the military until they were actually needed for service. This leads the viewer to meet the main protagonist, Joe Bauers who is played by Luke Wilson. Joe is chosen to be a test subject for the experiment because he has no family and stood out as the most average man in the army. Joe agreed to be in the experiment along with a prostitute named Rita, who is played by Maya Rudolph. Soon after Joe and Rita are frozen, Collins is arrested for being involved in a prostitution ring and the project …show more content…

I thought it was a funny light-hearted comedy that didn’t really have a specific storyline, but was written to just make people laugh. I have a very tolerant and open sense of humor. So, I can generally appreciate all comedies for what they are. Idiocracy is no exception, I find this sort of thoughtless humor relatively entertaining and fun to watch every once in a while. I also found the message, that I wrote about earlier, to be very thought-provoking. Whenever I used to think about time-travel or saw time-travel movies it always revolved around the idea that you would see an advanced society that has flying cars and other crazy advancements in technology. But now that I think more about it maybe humanities future is nothing more than a ruined planet full of dumb people. However, I continue to keep hope in the idea that we will have flying cars and cool spaceships in the

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