
If You Ask Me?

Decent Essays

I read Betty White’s autobiography, If You Ask Me (and Of Course You Won’t), because I believed she would have a lot of insight on the topics we were covering in class. Betty White is a 93 year old actress who has lived a life full of adventure and continues to pursue her dreams every day, paying no mind to her age. In her book she discussed a majority of the topics we have hit on so far in lecture. The ones that struck me as the most interesting were the physical effects of aging, close relationships, and mental health. These were the topics I focused most closely on from her biography, and the ones I will be connecting to class material. I found that White has a very optimistic approach to aging. She sees it more as an opportunity than as something negative, which we know is a good mindset to have when wanting to age successfully because it can prevent you from feeling like your age is holding you back. The very first chapter of her autobiography is titled: Growing Older. This section challenges the stigma that aging is something to be feared rather than embraced. Many people believe that as they get older they lose many abilities, their drive, and their enthusiasm for life. While this is true for some, it doesn’t have to be the fate of everyone who reaches old age. White combats this by staying active, both physically and mentally, and continuing to work on many projects even into her 90’s. She shared that one of the ways she has grown to enjoy aging is by simply

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