
Ignatius J. Reilley In John Kennedy Toole's Confederacy Of Du

Decent Essays

Ignatius J. Reilly is the main character in the humorous book Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole, which is set in the city of New Orleans in the early 1960s. Ignatius is an educated man of thirty who lives in Uptown New Orleans with his mother Mrs. Irene Reilly. Throughout the book Ignatius searches for a job and encounters many difficulties while roaming the city. His insatiable appetite, overpowering laziness, and outlandish personality adds a comical view of him which builds throughout the novel. Ignatius J. Reilley can best be described in three words which dominate his character throughout the entirety of the novel: disrespectful, idealistic, and arrogant.
Ignatius’s outlandish, childish disrespect is one of his main personality …show more content…

Ignatius believes he is very intelligent, but although he has a college degree, he lacks much common sense. When told to find a job, Ignatius believes he can hold almost any position but later discovers that is untrue and states “Apparently I lack some particular perversion which today's employer is seeking” (154). Ignatius thinks of others around him as being uneducated and barbarian-like. While Ignatius was on his normal hot dog selling route, the Ladies Art Guild was having a hanging of their paintings, and Ignatius decided to take a look. Upon seeing a picture of a camellia painted by one of the women, Ignatius exclaimed "You ladies need a critic with some taste and decency” (224). Ignatius thinks very highly of himself as being a scholar and man of the arts, yet he continues to act like a child and a fool throughout the story.
Ignatius J. Reilly is a character readers either love or hate because of his personality. He is a very odd character who brings humor to readers across the world who share in his humorous spirit. For reasons such as his personality, humor, and creativity, Ignatius J. Reilly is one of the most studied characters at Jesuit High School and causes people to continue to study his character even to this

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