
Illegal Immigration : Donald Trump

Decent Essays

Immigration has been a big issue Donald Trump has taken on as president. Trump has taken action against illegal immigration since the start of his presidency through the use of executive orders. Another issue that was a big deal on Trump’s agenda was better vetting for refugees coming from several Muslim majority countries, he used executive orders to enact this vetting which were short lived as they were blocked by the ninth circuit court. People often call Trump anti-Muslim for enacting policies for extreme vetting even though the countries he chose were chosen by former president Barack Obama and approved by congress, these countries usually contain high concentrations of anti-American Jihadist. Some people say Trump is abusing his powers with his use of executive orders, which is a direct order from the president that almost immediately becomes law without congress’s approval. Another topic of debate of Trump’s campaign and now presidency is his plan to build a wall along the border of America and Mexico to slow the entry of illegal immigrants crossing the border. A large argument against the wall is the fact that some people want to let illegal immigrants in to give them a better life even though they aren’t citizens and don’t pay any taxes while receiving government support. The support of non-taxpaying immigrants is also a large cost to the United
States every year, these illegal immigrants also have a disproportionally high crime rate. The wall and the money to build it will have to be approved by congress so Donald Trump is using due process and not abusing his powers. Donald Trump’s many executive orders he has written in his first year have many people questioning whether or not Trump is abusing his power. This doesn’t really seem to be the case as his power has been checked many times already as the judicial branch has blocked a number of his executive orders they find unconstitutional. So why executive orders are direct orders from the president that become law they can be checked very easily as show. A number of Trump’s executive orders have be blocked on the grounds that they are violating the rights of illegal immigrants and that even though they are not citizens of the

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