
Immigrants in the American Society

Decent Essays

United States is a multiethnic society with many foreign languages spoken, yet English is the primary form of communication. English is widely spoken around the nation, even though it is not the official language of the country. Thus, for an immigrant, it is imperative to learn English to take advantage of the opportunities that the country has to offer, and to also lessen the cases of racism and prejudice. Many immigrants do not want bi-lingual programs in school so that their children can smoothly adjust in the American society, however, learning another language does not mean eliminating the native tongue that was inherited from the ancestors. To be able to speak two languages is something to be proud of. In both of the short stories entitled, “Mother Tongue”, written by Amy Tan, and “Why and When to Speak Spanish in Public”, by Myriam Marquez, both authors emphasize the importance of learning English language, yet also demonstrate the possibilities of surviving in the American society while preserving diverse cultural identities. Therefore, retaining cultural individualities and learning English is possible, and even though the United States is a multicultural society, the majority of people speak English, and for that reason, it should be the official language of the country.

Adjustments of immigrants in the American life are very challenging. Embracing new culture and language are difficult, however it is a necessity. For instance, employers would rather give jobs to

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