It was a block Monday, an aching day for the financial markets in the US, sequentially for the entire US economy, even in the global economy. The markets at that day were bleeding, all stock market indexes’ screens were filled with red scaring color. Dow Jones lost 1.2 trillion dollars in its market value which was the worst single day losses since this index has been founded in 1869. This deterioration occurred on other stock market’s indexes: Standard & Poor's 500, NYSE Composite and NASDAQ Stock Market. Many signs had been lightened that day, indications of the long term hardship, growing poverty and ongoing debate about the causes and solutions for this situation were clear to the observers and experts. It is a memorable day, it is 29 September …show more content…
Does the immigration system impact negatively or positively in the national economy? In addition to that, Could the immigration system or the immigrants take the responsibility for the economic stumbling? At least in some essential levels? Moreover, the national poverty is on the rise, at this point, does the immigration system feed this category of poor people with more necessitous persons come through it? In addition to that, does this great recession abolish our humanitarian responsibility to the needy and poor persons around the world? Our publics are suffering from unemployment, low wages, and losing the purchasing power. That is completely true, but beside that the majority of them still have basic needs such as food, utilities, communication tools and childcare and education. In some countries, people live far away from the basics of life, no food, no healthcare even many times no water to drink. These peoples’ life is a closed dark box even there is no single bright spot inside it. After that, don’t the rich nations have to help them by all possible ways? Doesn’t the immigration system is one of the …show more content…
Actually with this fact, we are voiding and empting those poor countries from its educated and talented persons, this category of people able to create or participate in any solution plan for poverty. The image is too dark and panic with this reality, there is a huge group injured persons in a far desert, very small number of therapist over there, our immigration system is taking them away and adding this group to this country to get benefits from them. The immigration system has been built from an extreme capitalist view and it should be changed. There is no immigration system among industrialized countries which considers the poor people as a category of immigrants who could be accepted as legal immigrants. Neither an old immigration system like the US Immigration Act of 1965, nor a new system like Canadian immigration reform which has been taken by conservatives. All immigration systems ignore the poor’s completely. Therefore, from a logical angel these systems could never deal with poverty directly because those systems were not established for it. Finally, for all the previous reason I agree with the speaker’s
job market rather than poor, uneducated immigrants seems attractive on the surface. It offers an opportunity to tailor the immigration policy to the needs of the economy, keep low-wage industries in the U.S., and lower government expenditure on welfare and public health care. Even so, it has various limitations for which it should not be adopted. First, it discriminates against qualified applicants who are denied the opportunity to educate themselves. Second, it does not solve the problem of separating families and in fact, exacerbates it. Further, taking only the highly educated citizens of a developing nation undercuts its economic development. Inadvertently, it increases the reasons for
If America doesn’t provide focus on immigrants and miniorites it causes them to be in poverty without an oppurtunity.
Beginning with the ones who established the first successful permanent settlement in 1607. The U.S is a magnet for those looking to increase their economic prospects regardless of their roots. Immigration has shaped the demography of Americans since colonial times. Immigration is an important issue the country faces today; misunderstandings persist about essential aspects of this crucial topic such as the size and composition of the immigrant population, and how immigration affects the economy and the workforce in the U.S.
yes many people come here wanting change in government and what not but that should not represent all muslims and arabs. My family came here as war refugees we have never once wanted this country to change in anyway. It is often common for many groups/races to want change in certain government aspects and it is common throughout history one book about the immigration to America actually speaks about this in many forms. Now NOT all people that come to this country do not expect change nor do they want this country to change. Many people come here trying to escape certain regimes of theirs prior country and are welcome change, much like my family. Now please when you generalize all people that come here make sure you understand not everyone wants
Immigration in America has changed a lot over the years. Back in the Plymouth plantation time sailors had trouble traveling because of seasickness and very high winds. In one ship a large group of sailors sets sail for Holland for a religious free place that would be in what they now call New England. After they had fair winds and weather for a season, they encountered some dangerous storms and winds that the ship crudely shake. The ship had some troubles from the winds and waves of water crashing onto the ship but made it through just fine.
Economically speaking, immigration is beneficial for the American economy. Several arguments are given to try to prove this wrong. Some may say that immigrants take away jobs from Americans. But what jobs? Most immigrants work as maids or janitors, jobs that Americans do not want to do. What would the U.S. do without immigrants who are willing to do humiliating jobs for scarce amounts of money? Or maybe these critics of immigration are talking about the few amount of immigrants who want to excel and become successful? The anti-immigration people feel threatened and fear that these “minorities” will surpass the “native” Americans and they will no longer be able to control and manipulate these “ignorant, gullible immigrants.” Another argument is that immigrants receive more than their fair share of welfare benefits. But yet again in actuality immigrants pay their fair share of taxes. Julian
Third World immigration into the U.S. has not produced a highly skilled labor force, as the above statistics show. Instead, the U.S. labor pool has become flooded with low level, menial laborers, whose desperation for work of any sort has undercut the wages paid at the lower end of the labor market, which in turn made it more difficult for native born American citizens to escape poverty. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration. The cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year. (Associated Press, 1997)
There Immigration issue in American now, which I think it's bad. Some people can't even go back to America which really sucks. After the new president became the president, a lot of things change. Some people come here for vacation, and some for education. Immigration issue is like someone who stole your
In the early 1900’s the stock prices were bringing the attention of many citizens around the world. However they didn’t know they were going to lose all of their money and some even their property. Between the years 1929 to 1939 an incident known in history as “The Great Depression” occurred. It was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world (“The Great Depression”). The Great depression had a significant impact on the American economy, society, and politics, and had a hard recovery process.
If they need to escape poverty then they can find a job in their own country, and possibly move away from any dangers. With immigration leading Americans out of jobs the United States needs to stop allowing immigrants from other countries into ours.
According to him, modern society arbitrarily assigns people to a social class and country at birth. People cannot help the class or country they are born into, and this is not fair. It puts those born into poor regions of the world at a major disadvantage that is very difficult to overcome (Carens 295). A comparison can even be made between this random assignment and the feudalist social system of medieval Europe, where stark differences in classes existed, and the lower class citizens had a very low quality of life. All of these points are well and good, and absolutely must be taken into consideration. It is true that as human beings, we have a moral obligation to help those in need, even on a global scale. However, immigration isn’t the only way to help those in need, nor is it the best way. Money, vaccines, and military aid are all examples of ways in which wealthier nations are capable of benefiting struggling nations. Although oftentimes individuals think of the United States as a greedy nation, the country actually gives more financial aid to developing countries than any other nation, accounting for just under 25 percent of development assistance worldwide (Radelet 1). This just goes to show that while admitting some immigrants may be necessary, it should not overshadow the other ways countries can fight inequality. Now, I’m not claiming that immigration should be unconditionally
From an economic aspect, immigration is somewhat beneficial since it increases the US work force and it’s economy. According to Camarota Steven on his testimony’’ Immigration and the US economy’’, immigration overall increases the economy of the US due to the fact that more workers and more people mean bigger GDP. He also pointed out that the impact of immigration of the seize of the economy is not a measure of the benefits of natives. That means that regardless of the benefits of natives, Immigration is a tool to increase the economy of the US. On the other hand, it can be detrimental to the US economy. In fact most of the immigrants work “under the table” which make the fiscal
Mass immigration also causes lots of poverty in America. America is considered to be a land of opportunity, but when immigrants arrive they often struggle more in America than they did in their previous country. Whether the problem is learning a new language or just fitting in with society, immigrants always struggle with fitting in with our foreign society ("The Immigrant American Dream" 578-579). When that
Immigration, legal and illegal can both harm and help the economies of the supporting nation. Most people view immigration as a bad thing, something that harms the nation and takes valuable jobs meant for the citizens of said nation. What people don’t look at, is what about the jobs no one else would take besides these immigrants, such as crop picking and other menial tasks. Intelligent and ambitious legal immigrants who want a better life in America also bring their culture and a source of cheap labor. It is also true that decreasing legal immigration would increase the amount of illegal immigration. Of course, there are problems with illegal immigrants. They often bring illegal substances and firearms into the U.S., and that is a big problem. Other issues such as the taxpayer’s dollars being stolen and domestic terrorism are
Immigration is a sensitive problem in this country where the majority population has a history of immigration. However, when you are thinking more than 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the USA, then we have the obligation to talk about what it is happening of this number, what negative reactions confront and other problems are facing. Moreover, we need to add the other millions whom born of immigrants, permanent residents, or people who follow the naturalization process, who are considerate second-class citizens was mentioned by Kevin R Jhonson. The complexity of immigration has always been considerate the problems of economy even though it does not have a way of how immigrant cause a severe problem.