
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (IPT)

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When I was five, my parents started noticing weird bruises all over my body. They would ask me what I was doing that gave me so many bruises; I never knew what it was. (1: SV; SV.) Finally, my parents took me into the doctor after months of noticing these strange bruises. The doctors ran many tests and took a lot of blood. I was diagnosed with chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, otherwise known as ITP. ITP is an auto-immune blood disorder that is caused by an untreated viral infection or immune system suppression caused by vaccinations and can be life-altering. Symptoms of ITP can range dramatically from patient to patient. One of the many symptoms is low blood platelet count. Blood platelets are important for the body: they essentially form clots in the blood to stop bleeding. (3: SV: SV.) According to Michael A. Silverman, author of the article “Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura” posted on Medscape, “Relative marrow failure may contribute to this condition, since studies show that most patients have either normal or diminished platelet production” (1). In other words, a delayed making of marrow is present in most patients with ITP and aids in this disease. Because of this, blood platelets cannot be made as accurately as a normal body would make them. Other symptoms include easy bruising and petechiae (Idiopathic 1). Easy bruising can result from blood vessels becoming weak; consequently, the slightest touch can break them, forming a bruise. (1a: SV; consequently,

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