
Impact Of Social Media On Human Behavior

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The TEDx Talks titled, “Social Media’s Impact on Human Behavior,” is about how social media can affect our everyday personality. The speaker, Suryabala Shenbagamurthy, used many examples on how social media can affect you in both a positive and negative way. The purpose of the presentation was to inform how social media can affect us, but was not trying to persuade the audience about what they should believe in. The speaker seemed well-informed about the topic and used many vivid examples to explain how social media is affecting us. The speaker focused on three main ways that social media can affect our emotions, purchase decisions and interests. The speaker talked about how social media can be the direct cause for why we are feeling the way that we are feeling. An example, given by the speaker was how she felt bad when she saw her friends having an engagement and other things. The speaker said that she felt like she wanted to having a marriage after that (Shenbagamurthy, 0:01:10-0:02:00). This concept can be seen everywhere with how when we see some emotional advertisements on the television. We see the commercials about how many pets are put up for adoption and then we feel like we should adopt a pet after viewing the commercial. This can also be seen when we see a lot of commercials of nice things that we can get from television. We seem to buy the stuff because of good it looks on the internet. This was the next point made by the speaker which is that social media

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