
Impact Of Teacher Turnover And Student Achievement

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The purpose of this essay is to determine whether any relationship exists between the impact of teacher turnover and student achievement, particularly in schools of low income, ethnic minority areas or non-white, and low achieving student populations. It is an interesting topic even though I am not in teaching profession but it is a topic that gives people concerns.
When a teacher leave a school or get transfer from school to another, the student academic or achievement will be negatively affected and the overall morale will be suffered. This topic is one of the quality topics that is very hard to get their arms around. The rate at which teacher turnover occurs in high poverty schools than in low poverty schools are very high. The important logical assumption is that turnover affects student achievement.
Several years back, some of the researchers carried out analysis that proven the ability to understand that ineffective teachers leave schools than effective teachers with intention to leave schools because of low achieving and the minority students. The argument that is likely to generate from this topic is, to what extent will teacher turnover be beneficial?
The following assumptions were identified as;
Students that were taught in the same grade level in the same school did poor in year where teacher turnover is higher as compared with the year of less teacher turnover. Impacts of teacher turnover on student achievement were seen both in large and small schools, new and

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