
Impact of Multiple Generations in the Workplace Essay examples

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SUBJECT: An analysis of two articles about the impact of multiple generations on the workplace With every generation comes a lifestyle with unique ideas, values and language. Accounting Today recognizes the importance of generations and their effects on the business field in its articles “Bridging the Gaps” by Jennifer Wilson and “The Way We Learn Now,” by Jennifer Wilson and Krista Remer. This memo summarizes these articles, analyzes the formation of each generation, and identifies advantages of a multigenerational workplace. Summaries of the Articles “Bridging the Gaps” began by defining the three most dominant generations in the workforce: Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (those born between 1965 …show more content…

Millikan believes that when presenting new information, companies should incorporate multiple teaching techniques in order to overcome these generational differences. Kraftchick, however, believes that companies should communicate to their employers by switching their technique throughout the presentation. A Personal Response to the Articles I believe Wilson makes a strong point in “Bridging the Gaps” when she discusses the importance of businesses encouraging generations to work together in areas where their preferences and beliefs overlap. If people born in different generations blindly work together to complete assignments, odds are their differences will cause conflict (unless this assignment involves an area in which they have similarities). These conflicts will create friction that will sap an organization’s efficiency as the groups argue their points. By strategically matching workers with tasks that take into account their generational similarities; these problems can often be avoided. In some cases, however, I believe disagreements can lead to new ideas and even personal growth. Marian Millikan from “The Way We Learn Now” draws an accurate conclusion when she says that to effectively teach all generations of employees new information, it should be presented in multiple ways simultaneously. For example, the speaker could use PowerPoint and animations to engage younger generations and also pass out an outline of the

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