
Implementation Of Compliance Measures And Initiatives

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Compliance Measures and Initiatives
Bret Jacobsen
Western Governors University

Compliance Measures and Initiatives
I interviewed Trevor Olsen, Vice Principal at San Juan High (SJH). The current enrollment is about 415 students. The school is 52% Caucasian, 46% American Indian, and 2% Hispanic/African American and Pacific Islander. Fifty percent of student body qualifies for free lunch, and 55 students are considered Limited English Proficient.
A. School Improvement Initiatives: We discussed two school improvement initiatives: 1. Professional Learning Communities’ (PLC) continue to dominate the intervention and improvement discussion. This year the San Juan School District (SJSD) schools went from district based PLC’s …show more content…

Collaborative efforts have created more cross-curricular focus throughout the school. When teachers know what each other are teaching, they can support each other in their own curriculum.
2. Intervention and Enrichment is another improvement initiative for SJH. The school has chosen to focus on intervention instead of enrichment, which is somewhat of a discussion that needs to be had. The idea is that you have both, intervention and enrichment. One of the initiatives is to create a process for both, but San Juan’s focus is interventions at this time. For several years, SJH has made changes to the master schedule in attempt to find ways of creating intervention for all students. Currently, SJH does not have intervention for all, it has intervention for some. The success of the intervention system has also had an impact on the Pass/Fail rates of the freshman. Students that have access to intervention are given additional time to explore and go beyond the regular assignment, as well as additional enhancement on their knowledge and skills. Another success from intervention is more students are graduating because they are getting individual teacher time and small group help throughout the school year.
B. Accreditation: The school 's accreditation plan has a Freshman Mentoring Program (FMP), as an effective transition from middle school to high school. This measure fulfills one of the goals on the school 's accreditation plan. Right now, SJH does FMP

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