Compliance Measures and Initiatives
Bret Jacobsen
Western Governors University
Compliance Measures and Initiatives
I interviewed Trevor Olsen, Vice Principal at San Juan High (SJH). The current enrollment is about 415 students. The school is 52% Caucasian, 46% American Indian, and 2% Hispanic/African American and Pacific Islander. Fifty percent of student body qualifies for free lunch, and 55 students are considered Limited English Proficient.
A. School Improvement Initiatives: We discussed two school improvement initiatives: 1. Professional Learning Communities’ (PLC) continue to dominate the intervention and improvement discussion. This year the San Juan School District (SJSD) schools went from district based PLC’s
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Collaborative efforts have created more cross-curricular focus throughout the school. When teachers know what each other are teaching, they can support each other in their own curriculum.
2. Intervention and Enrichment is another improvement initiative for SJH. The school has chosen to focus on intervention instead of enrichment, which is somewhat of a discussion that needs to be had. The idea is that you have both, intervention and enrichment. One of the initiatives is to create a process for both, but San Juan’s focus is interventions at this time. For several years, SJH has made changes to the master schedule in attempt to find ways of creating intervention for all students. Currently, SJH does not have intervention for all, it has intervention for some. The success of the intervention system has also had an impact on the Pass/Fail rates of the freshman. Students that have access to intervention are given additional time to explore and go beyond the regular assignment, as well as additional enhancement on their knowledge and skills. Another success from intervention is more students are graduating because they are getting individual teacher time and small group help throughout the school year.
B. Accreditation: The school 's accreditation plan has a Freshman Mentoring Program (FMP), as an effective transition from middle school to high school. This measure fulfills one of the goals on the school 's accreditation plan. Right now, SJH does FMP
First, by developing professional learning communities, HSHS primary goal is to establish an organizational culture of shared commitment to academic excellence and exemplary behavior for all students. As evident, in Document 1. Excerpt from Teacher Survey (see attached) revealed that 30% of the ELA Teachers and 37% of the Math and Science Teachers “My academy receives necessary professional development.” In addition, Document 1. Excerpt from Teacher Survey revealed that 38% of the ELA Teachers and 42% of the Math and Science Teachers said, “I feel safe at the school.” Moreover, Document 2. Excerpt from Parent Survey revealed that 68% of the Latino (ethnic) agreeing or strongly agreeing and 87% of the Black (ethnic) agreeing or strongly
Jeff has over 20 years in the compliance field. As a former Deputy United States Marshal and Special Agent, he has conducted healthcare investigations regarding a myriad of providers and payors. Jeff has testified in federal courts and state superior courts as well as numerous regulatory proceedings. Jeff possesses a great deal of experience in the design and implementation of compliance and HIPAA programs.
The goal of adopting the lean system by our health care organization was driven by obtaining the GCI accreditation and becoming one of the lead healthcare organizations in the middle east. At the beginning It was difficult to fully implement that system by a highly hierarchical organization. Until now we have consistent modifications in order to transit from a partial lean approach to a larger scale ( Graban, 2011). One of the most challenging issues in PICU sitting was regarding chronic patients who required long term ventilation. The hospital administration received numerous complaints from the admission office, ER manger, PICU manger and nursing staffs. The bed occupancy of the PICU reduced, which in turn lead to increase the waiting time
The two main desired outcomes for students in the program are a higher level of
I interviewed Kim Schaefer, principal of Whitehorse High School (WHS). Kim said the school has about 300 students, grades 7 thru 12, 99% Native American, 33% English language learners, and 100% free or reduced lunch. Whitehorse is considered a failing school, but are headed in the right direction according to growth point results in language arts, math, and science. The school currently has a 74% graduation rate.
Compliance plans are a MAJOR factor in the medical field. Compliance plans correlate to different medical records documentation standards by investigating the files. Reviewers come to medical offices to make sure that things like billing and requirements of the patient are correct. An example would be something like this: Men 50 and over are supposed to be checked for prostate cancer (requirement). If it is seen in a record that the procedure has not been done, or at least offered to be done, it may be brought to the attention of the doctor or clerical staff. With that, these reviewers must make sure that payment was made (by the patient or insurance) towards the test/lab/procedure. The same would go for mammograms for older women, well-child
The professional learning community will develop the steps of transforming our schools. It will use these eight steps as professional development protocols in reducing the dropout rate and increasing college and career readiness.
The compliance process is set up to ensure the maximum appropriate reimbursement for health care claims. Correct billing and coding are directly linked to correct documentation by a physician. Also, to complete documentation, linking the correct code to the correct diagnoses is a must. This step is vitally important in reducing compliance errors. Second, the implications of incorrect coding can have a domino effect and will ultimately cause many people in the chain of events to go back, review, correct the errors, and resubmit the claim. This could also cause the patient and payer more money or cause a claim to be denied.
A strength of this program that I see as principal is the service design. Services to students vary from in class to summer youth camps. Community volunteer projects have become extremely popular with both parents and the students. Such as the school garage sale, park cleanup, and a campus recycling project. These activities have proven to be the
The school improvement plan that is going to be review here is for Ivy Hall Elementary School. One of the first things that would be looked at is whether there is any ideology or vision behind the improvement program (Huberman & Miles, 2013). The vision that they have in their mind when it comes to Ivy Hall Elementary School is how the skills and the abilities of the students can be maximized to greatest extent (Seifert & Hartnell, 2015). The ideas on which they are working on is that growth mindset, self knowledge and creativity, though the connection is not established whether how they connect with the improvement plan (Ainscow et al, 2013).
Though the idea of working collaboratively is not a new one, the concept of professional learning communities (PLCs) has recently become very popular in education. During the summer of 2012, the Pasco County School District introduced the concept of PLCs into its schools in an effort to improve student learning in this era of increased educational scrutiny and accountability. Department heads suddenly found themselves relabeled PLC facilitators and called to attend two days of summer training meant to prepare them to lead PLCs once the school year began. The other PLC participants, the
I asked Mrs. Barkley if she worked with other teachers to plan and jointly facilitate learning; she told me that she personally does not. She said that she never combines classes or teaches with another teacher in the same classroom. She said the only thing that the teachers do together is come together in meetings and discuss progress of their classes and test scores. This came as a shock to me, I thought that teachers would be meeting often to combine curriculum in a way that’s meaningful. I thought that teachers would want to allow for cross-curricular projects to allow students to make the connections between subjects. When I am a teacher, I would like to work with other teachers to jointly facilitate learning, if possible.
Shared governance is important to compliance in order to keep all staff accountable for compliance measures. Shared governance is an organizational model that gives all management and staff control over their actions and practices and extends the influence of administrative areas (Hess, 2004). Giving all managers a voice can help improve governance compliance and operations by promoting teamwork and accountability among staff throughout the entire organization.
Compliance is a new and growing area within the healthcare field. Prior to 10 years ago, healthcare providers self-managed themselves in following rules and regulations in their practice but it was not defined as compliance. Now, compliance has evolved into programs and departments within healthcare facilities where they provide oversight to providers, ensuring they are following the rules while communicating with the CEO and the Board of issues that may arise. Compliance officers serve in an non-biased role in assessing non-compliant activity within departments, working with legal to resolve any issues surrounding government entities e.g. CMS, HHS, Medicaid, and communicate with staff to encourage reporting of non-compliant activity within the organization.
The purpose of this document is to set out the vital principals and process to manage and inforce compliance within BBPK. The charter also reflect on the requirements of the compliance management as well as compliance risk management.