
Importance Of Australian Identity In The Play 'Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll'

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Good morning everyone. I am extremely privileged today to be permitted the opportunity to address the Archaeological Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage concerning the time capsule discovered and the significance of the articles to our culture. The paraphernalia contained within the time capsule included the play ‘Summer of the Seventeenth Doll’, by Ray Lawler, which can be used to demonstrate aspects of the Australian identity which are unique to this country and are ultimately timeless. The play follows the lives of various Australian figures, including Northern Queensland cane cutters and Carlton barmaids, during the lay-off season as well as the many aspects of conflict that occur. The Australian identity presented by this play is reinforced through a second article found within the time capsule, a review of the play, ‘A Clear-eyed Revival for the 21st century’, written by John McCallum. The play has ‘new things to say to each generation’ about the Australian character and it’s because of this reason that the play resonated with audiences then and now. Through these artefacts, three primary aspects of the Australian identity have been developed; masculinity, mateship, and Australian colloquialism. These characteristics form the basis of the Australian identity, demonstrating its immutability and exhibiting the rituals and values for which Australia is known for.
The metaphor of masculinity is one of the main attributes of Australian identity integrated

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