
Importance Of Britain On The European Union

Decent Essays

The Brexit
On June 23, 2016, a major decision was announced to the world that would send ripples of ambiguity with regards to the future of Britain and how their role globally would affect financial markets: The Brexit. The Brexit is perhaps one of the most monumental, nationalistic and financially influential choices the world has seen within the past decade. As Britain moves closer to individualizing itself from other European countries, the future of financial institutions and markets comes into question as it becomes filled with uncertainty and potential volatility. A look at the importance of Britain in the European Union (EU), the reasons why Britain made the profound choice to exit, and the influences the Brexit will have overall, can give insight as to what expectations financial institutions can possibly have in the upcoming future. Though financial institutions will adjust accordingly to the upcoming and current instability, it’s ultimately the market that will figure itself out and gravitate upcoming volatility towards the mean.

The Importance of Britain to the EU
Britain integrates itself with its European counterparts through the EU. Though roughly 28 countries have compromised the EU, Britain, Germany, and France are some of the most influential countries within the Union. These incredible countries, or powers, have some of the highest gross domestic productions (GDPs) in comparison to other countries within the EU. Britain’s GDP ranks third at over $2.8

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