
Importance Of Career In Nursing

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As a high school senior, I have gone through many changes and experiences. I have learned to not take time for granted and to live in the moment because time goes by fast. I am very close to graduating and receiving a diploma so this point in my life is the most crucial. The three biggest changes I have been through are a change in my skills, my career goals, and my personality. I have always been very skeptical on what college to apply to because I will be living there for 4 years or more. Searching for colleges I would enjoy but also get into was a long process. I also had to take into account that the career I want to go into is Nursing. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, “a Registered Nurse is a person who has graduated from a college's nursing program or from a school of nursing and has passed a national licensing exam known as the NCLEX.” Ever since my first day in my Intro to Healthcare class I have always wanted to go into the healthcare field. My research is what helped me decide that I want to pursue the job as a Nurse. I began my search for information while filling out worksheets for my specific traits and skills. The worksheets that helped me learn more about my career was The Career Development Resource and User’s Guide for “Career Choices in North Carolina.” I have not only learned more about myself and the skills I have but also more about the career I want to pursue. My personality has gotten more open to conversation when I used to be very

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