
Importance Of Iterative Process Groups On Healthcare Improvement

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The Importance of Iterative Process Groups
Katina King
Breanu University
The Importance of Iterative Process Groups
Project management involves five groups of processes: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. The process groups are important to a project’s flow throughout its lifecycle. The processes within the groups include the tools and/or techniques involved in applying the skills and capabilities described in the PMBOK’s Knowledge Area (Project Management Institute, 2013). This paper will discuss the importance of the iterative process of these groups by demonstrating the need for integration and how failing to iterate the processes can affect healthcare improvement. The paper will further …show more content…

The Project Managers (PMs) incorporated the doctors’ advice into the WTIS project plans while setting predetermined deadlines for implementation to provide a good balance between consultation and the planning group processes. The project team took the advice and created assessment tools that required medical staff’s judgment in the important decision for each patient (Healthcare Project Management, 2013). The processes arrived at desired result by repeating rounds of analysis or cycles of medical operations. The objective was to bring the desired decision closer to discovery with iteration. The iterative process can be used where the decision is not easily revocable or where the consequences of revocation could be costly (Business Dictionary, n.d). To maintain equilibrium in areas of appropriateness, point of care decision support, and capacity, processes were improved after each cycle of testing which optimized procedures’ ordering process.
PMs integrated the project management processes groups to successfully manage the WITS project because healthcare projects are a part of a larger organizational environment, and many factors that might affect the project are out of the project manager’s control. One cannot simply shorten patients’ wait time because it does not ensure an improvement in clinical performance. Wait time has to

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