Hi Dinita, I’m inclined to agree with your notion of the need for safeguards to be established for patient safety especially with the introduction of technological advancements like AIs. I believe important issues need to be addressed with regards to appropriate risk management and oversights especially with the introduction of new products or services in the market. A priority assessment would be the uses of AI and machine learning in view of their risks, including adherence to relevant protocols on data privacy, conduct risks, and cybersecurity (FSB, 2017). It is also equally important to have an appropriate testing and training of tools with impartial data and feedback mechanisms to ensure applications do what they are intended to do. Developers
In order to not only promote the welfare of children within a setting but also to protect them from harm and abuse there are a number of pieces of legislation and statutory guidance that must be adhered to. Both laws and statutory guidance are mandatory and so legally enforceable and must act as a foundation of which policies and procedures within any setting can be based upon.
Patient safety one of the driving forces of healthcare. Patient safety is defined as, “ the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of healthcare or as the prevention of errors and adverse events caused by the provision of healthcare rather than the patient’s underlying disease process. (Kangasniemi, Vaismoradi, Jasper, &Turunen, 2013)”. It was just as important in the past as it is day. Our healthcare field continues to strive to make improvement toward safer care for patients across the country.
Law and guidance regulate the way you should work with children in your childcare setting to support and encourage their well-being and safeguard them from abuse and maltreatment. Legislation provides a comprehensive instruction on what must be attained in respect to child protection and safeguarding. Whereas Legal guidance is more precise and provides details on how the law ought to be applied and fulfilled in early years settings and services. Laws and statutory regulation are compulsory and should reinforce policies and procedures that are used in your setting.
The children referred to CSC in this study are a mixed population who were considered by healthcare professionals to have safeguarding needs. The risk of subsequent harm for this broad group with safeguarding concerns has not been quantified, but there is robust prognostic evidence of serious adverse outcomes for some subgroups (Hjern et al. 2004; Vinnerljung et al. 2007; Norman et al. 2012).
I think that the overall impact of the orthodox safeguards promoted the religion and allowed it to develop over the course of time, though there were several negative effects that resulted from their implementation. The safeguards successfully protected the religion and facilitated its spread throughout the world. A Christianity without an accepted, codified and canonized religious document would have had limited hope of unified survival in the face of other organized religions, let alone the opportunity to grow. Agreement on and distribution of a canonized text allowed for further organization through episcopacy, though the development of five bishoprics hindered the overall unity of Christianity. My opinion is that Harnack’s statement about
Financial abuse – Like emotional abuse, this may not leave physical signs of abuse caused by the abuser, but should the victim withhold money or property that the abuser may want, then there may be bruises or scratches from being hit or punched. The victim may turn to self-harm as a way of dealing with stress.
The importance of interagency working in the safeguarding and protection of children in the UK
The term safeguarding is used today instead of child protection as it gives a wider definition of safe working practice within the settings we are in to ensure that children are kept safe . Safeguarding is about the prevention of children and young people being at risk from neglect or abuse. Safeguarding requires that all agencies working with children, young people and their families have policies and procedures in place to ensure that the risk of harm is minimal. When there are concerns about a child or young person suffering from abuse or neglect then all agencies should have suitable actions which will look into areas of concern. Within safeguarding children and young people these agencies must all work together following all procedures and guidelines.
To answer your question, I would be surprised if any healthcare organization is not aware of their responsibility to protect patients PII. They have a legal responsibility under HIPPA and other federal law as well as ethical responsibility to protect patient information. I think the disconnect is their willingness to commit resources to combat this threat. I do agree with you that effective responses can help organization be more resilient against attack. However to beat hackers at their game you have to be proactive. Your technology has to be ahead of theirs especially at a time when technology is changing very fast.
The main body of this assignment will focus on safeguarding, vulnerability, and Interproffesional roles and will critically examine and analyse the roles of different professionals within the process of safeguarding.
Patient safety is number one in hospitals. Every staff member that comes into contact with a patient should always have the question, “Will the patient be safe?” in the back of
One must also remember the many acts that were set up to require companies to let the Secretary of Treasury know their financial condition, such as The Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950. The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 made companies prepare annual audited financial statements for certain funds (The Chief Financial Officers Council and The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, 2011). Later, this act made all agencies covered under the CFO Act in the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 and to all executive agencies in the Accountability of Tax Dollars in 2002. The CFO also requires the directors of the Office of Management and Budget to supply annual financial reports and a five-year
In your grievance filed at Graham Unit, you claim you wrongly placed in the 805 process. You further assert that you were held in detention while awaiting movement to a yard.
The following are the National Patient Safety Goals for 2016: improve the accuracy of patient identification, improve the effectiveness of communication of caregivers, improve the safety of using medications, reduce the harm associated with clinical alarm systems, reduce the risk of health care- associated infections, and for the hospital to identify safety risks inherent in its patient population (Hudson 2016 page 2). Under each category there are specific goals, such
Keeping patients safe is essential in today’s health care system, but patient safety events that violate that safety are increasing each year. It was only recently, that the focus on patient safety was reinforced by a report prepared by Institute of medicine (IOM) entitled ” To err is human, building a safer health system”(Wakefield & Iliffe,2002).This report found that approx-imately 44,000 to 98,000 deaths occur each year due to medical errors and that the majority was preventable. Deaths due to medical errors exceed deaths due to many other causes such as like HIV infections, breast cancer and even traffic accidents (Wakefield & Iliffe, 2002). After this IOM reports, President Clinton established quality interagency