
Important Elements Of Teaching Towards Understanding Cultural Identity

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Question Two Word count 509 Edgeworth & Santoro (2014) & Santoro (2013) discussed the importance of knowing students in complex ways is one of the most important elements of teaching towards understanding cultural identity traditions, values and practices from student’s perspectives. Often teachers do not have an understanding of the complexities of their student’s culture and ethnicity indicated in the example with the twins, when the teacher failed to really know her students exercised through her pedagogical and discourse practises she engaged in. Foucault suggests such discourses provide opportunity for inclusion or exclusions of students through talk and actions. The teacher’s discourses constructed the twins into a state of unbelonging (Edgeworth & Santoro, 2014). Marginalised students are doubly disadvantaged with their cultural capital being diminished through such activities evidenced when the teacher asked the students to choose one ancestry knowing that not all backgrounds were represented affecting their identity and sense of belonging (Mills, 2008). When teachers fail to display complex cultural understandings students are marginalised in minority groups thus power, identity and inequality is created through a neoliberal view (Ferfolja, et. al, 2015). The teacher silenced the twin’s ethnic identify, which they identified with, thus holding a dominant, hegemony over the twins (Ferfolja, et. al, 2015). During the activity, the teacher essentialised and

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