
Improving Student Attendance At School

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Improve Student Attendance at School University of Central Oklahoma Foundations of Educational Research PTE 5013 Brenda J. Anderson Abstract Keeping students in class may help protect them from engaging in delinquent behaviors and facilitate learning through increased exposure to instruction (Sheldon, 2007). Researchers have sought out how to increase student attendance. Programs that were associated with improved student attendance include (a) creating smaller schools or learning communities (McPartland, Balfanz, Jordan & Legters, 1998); (b) connecting students to school business partners; and (c) increasing school-home communications (Epstein & Sheldon, 2002; Helm & Burkett, 1989). This literature review will discuss how Kinvolved utilized technology to increase student attendance, and it will discuss findings on data collected by the state of Ohio wherein it compared schools that developed school-wide programs of school, family, and community partnerships with the attendance of students in schools that did not develop the programs. Its findings concluded that student attendance rose by .5% with the schools that had utilized this plan. Further analysis suggested that school outreach to families was the driving mechanism that caused this effect (Sheldon, 2007). Improve Student Attendance at School For generations student school attendance has been an issue of concern. A number of studies (over 112) have shown that student attendance positively

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