
Impsons As Archetypes Essay

Decent Essays

There are stereotypes of different people and beliefs throughout American's thinking. From early on we learn to associate certain cultural differences to certain individuals. The cartoon representations on The Simpsons are a perfect example of such associations. Each character from the long-running, prime time television show is an archetype of individuals in the American society. Homer, Lisa, Barney, and all the rest give us a look at what "typical" Americans should act like while, at the same time, critiquing their attitudes and behaviors. The Simpsons is not the average cartoon show. Although it features cute, animated people and many humorous situations it was not meant for children. This is how the show's writers can get …show more content…

This is just the beginning credits from every Simpsons show. From the description given here, it sounds like a nice normal family but actually seeing the events transcribed here paints a very different picture. Each family member in the sequence does something stereotypical of an individual in America. Bart, for example, is getting into trouble, running into people on the sidewalks with his skateboard. His character could be the preteen troublemaker we see all across the country. Yet he is clever when performing his wild and crazy antics all over town. In one episode, Bart writes in for a personal ad in the paper. Come to find out the lady behind the ad is his teach Mrs. Krabappel. He uses his street smarts and child's imagination to create a fake man, write her love letters, and even come up with a picture to send. Realizing the trouble this could cause him, Bart ends the "relationship" but in an extremely creative manner. The mischief of this ten year old boy could be called typical of all boys his age. Granted not all little boys end up getting into so much trouble. Any parent can confess that, for the most part, their children are well behaved and good natured. Elementary school teachers are always telling the school and the parents about the great things their students have been doing in class. Although this is true, there are those that like to make a teacher's and parent's life a little more interesting. Bart is a representative of all the antics

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