
In An Increasingly Threatening Environmental Crisis, Zoos

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In an increasingly threatening environmental crisis, zoos are participating in the conservation of species. The biodiversity of the animal and plant worlds is being deeply affected, on the one hand by the disruption of ecosystems caused mainly by climate change and deforestation, and on the other hand, by the globalization of trade, travel, transport, and tourism. These two factors are increasingly reducing animals’ habitats and endangering many species (Keulartz 336). The evolution of the preservation role of zoos precipitated the emergence of different animal activist groups, each with different their specific ethics and agendas. Even in the face of environmental serial destruction, animal welfare activists criticize zoos’ efforts to …show more content…

Influential groups like the Humane Society and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) admit on their website some zoos are beneficial to animals in supporting conservation programs, participating in the preservation and restoration of endangered species, and promoting education about the importance of wildlife (“Position Statement on Zoos and Aquariums”). However, this statement holds under certain conditions. First, the Humane Society recommends zoos be organized around “a core mission that educates the public about the needs of the animals and the threats they face.” Also, zoos should treat animals humanely and provide care adapted to their physical, social and psychological needs (“Zoos”). Finally, the ASPCA indicates zoos should “participate in tightly controlled breeding programs” and their displays “should stress the themes of endangered species, wild habitat destruction and reduced biodiversity” (“Position Statement on Zoos and Aquariums”). Unfortunately, many zoos do not fall under these descriptions, but they can act on several factors with the intent to fill in their vast conservation function and thus work towards the animal welfare activists’ demands.
Because humane treatment of captive animals and their well-being

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