
In-Depth Analysis Of A Serial Podcast

Good Essays

In CRJ102B, Criminology, with Terry Penney, we were required to listen to a podcast that follows the crazy confusing story of a high school senior who was convicted of murdering his ex­girlfriend. Serial, is a 12­episode investigative journalism podcast, that is told week by week, and hosted by Sarah Koenig. The purpose of Serial, as put by Koenig is merely “about the basics: love and death and justice and truth”. Initially, listening to Serial is extremely confusing and can be hard for people to understand, especially if they do not have a basic understanding of the Criminal Justice system. However, I think that being required to listen to Serial in this course is very beneficial. I am going to be writing an in depth analysis of the Serial …show more content…

On the afternoon of January 13th, 1999, in Baltimore, Hae goes missing after school. Six weeks later, her body is discovered in Leakin Park, and authorities show up to arrest Adnan for her murder. During interrogation, it becomes clear that Adnan cannot seem to remember where he was or what he was doing that afternoon. However, one of Adnan’s friends, well acquaintance rather, Jay, tells the detectives that he knows everything that happened that day and essentially took part in the burying/disposing of Hae’s body. So it is then decided that Jay will testify against Adnan in court, and his testimony will be what the State is solely basing their case off of. But there is a huge problem with this, Jay’s story is extremely choppy and inconsistent. Each episode in the podcast analyzes a different aspect of Adnan’s case, because to be honest, his case is very ambiguous, and he may very will be as innocent as he …show more content…

You would think that a young teenage boy would crack under the pressure and maybe give a false confession, but he did not. He was very composed and collected, which surprised me, but then again I mean why worry about something if you know you didn’t do it? Either way I found it really cool that Adnan did that, and I also applaud him for being able to talk about it publicly fifteen years later with a complete stranger. Overall, the podcast was very interesting, it kept listeners interested and was very logical in the way everything was sorted out. However, the last episode really threw me off. It basically concluded nothing, it essentially just recapped everything that has already been discussed, which kind of sucks. Recently, Adnan had been granted a hearing for a potential retrial, in which Koenig attended. Although I haven’t had time yet, I’m really looking forward to listening to it. I sincerely hope that Adnan receives the justice he

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