
Comparison Of In Our Time And The Lost Generation By Ernest Hemingway

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In Our Time and the Lost Generation

Ernest Hemingway's In Our Time is a true representation of his "lost generation" for the simple reason that all generations are eventually lost as time goes by. Hemingway focuses on a generation he knows about, his own. It becomes apparent throughout the novel that Hemingway is deconstructing the world without overly using vast amounts of description. All of the “messages" bring the reader to an understanding of a generation, the "lost generation" that appears to result from Hemingway's novel.

Ernest Hemingway uses intense short stories to leave a feeling of awe and wonder in the reader of In Our Time. One begins to become emotionally involved and attached to Hemingway's many stories, just as …show more content…

They seem to get by on nothing else but their own company and do not adhere to any outside interference- they do not need any other means of entertainment to enhance their time together. It is just the two of them and a good bottle of whiskey- no more, no less. Hemingway's stories seem to have a vintage, old- fashioned kind of feel to them, but at the same time portray and somewhat relate to modern times. They all seem to have some kind of moral dilemma or moral awareness in them. All the characters appear to be searching for something, although they are not all consciously aware of what or where or even why fate has brought them to the place in time they are in.

"Cat in the Rain" depicts a so- called happily married couple on vacation in Spain, spending a day inside(apparently by the husband's choice) due to the bad weather. The wife seems to be searching for something to fill a void inside of her. She speaks of a cat in the rain- her answer to the nada(or so she thinks). She goes down to retrieve it but cannot find it. She tells her disinterested about the event. It is clear that it is indeed her husband that has created the void due to the lack of attention he pays to his wife. The cat is simply a metaphor for her needs. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door and a maid appears with a cat in her hands. The manager downstairs gave it to her, finally, someone who would pay her the attention she craved. This story seemed to represent the "lost generation" of love

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