
In Summarizing The Results Section By Authors Haw, Stubbs,

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In summarizing the results section by authors Haw, Stubbs, and Dickens, this writer found the data analysis was completed using the qualitative method. The study was conducted by interviewing 50 psychiatric nurses. This writer knows the qualitative method was used by the authors due to the thematic themes involved. The thematic themes were divided into two low-levels themes which represent what the problem is. The problem the authors want to identify are the barriers responsible for psychiatric nurses not reporting medication errors by colleagues and near misses. Table 1 represents the nurses brief descriptive reasons for not reporting medication errors by colleagues and Table 2 represents reasons why nurses would not report a …show more content…

Authors, Haw, Stubbs, and Dickens are the first in literature to address psychiatric nurses barriers to reporting medication errors and near-misses. As a result, the authors exploratory design was appropriate due to no earlier studies to refer to or rely upon to predict an outcome. Additionally, the authors did not base the evidence on a direct replication of the UK study. One study limitation the authors addressed was location of the study. The authors study was in a non NHS (National Health Service) facility, and the UK study was in a NHS facility. In conclusion, authors HAW, Stubbs, and Dickens analysis shows there is a need for all nurses to develop his or her true learning culture when errors and near misses are viewed as opportunities not burdens within all healthcare settings. Implications within the study revealed a need to cultivate nurses learning culture. In order for learning culture to improve, nurses need education and training regarding med-error reporting. With appropriate training, authors believe nursing staff will become more knowledgeable and proficient in reporting med-errors. When nursing staff are more knowledgeable, medication event reporting will increase due to a decrease in excuses, reporting burdens, and fear. In summarizing the results by authors Sears, O’Brien-Pallas, Stevens, and

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