In this chapter, I present how two pop cultural sites—The film The Kids Are All Right, the television series The Fosters—represent butch motherhood. My intention is to expose the discourses in action to reveal how they operate and contain instruction that delivers as disciplinary performance. I divide the following sections into individual discussions of each cultural text to reveal the cogs within each site. I then compare and contrast both texts to investigate the tensions between both productions and how the discourses thematically collude. Finally, this comparative analysis considers the disciplinary discourse that develops in accord with gender and motherhood.
The Kids Are All Right, but are the representations?
The Kids Are All
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Reinforcing The Gender Binary
Jules and Nic are slightly ambiguous representations of butch and femme yet the film overtly reinforces binary gender roles in its homonormative depiction of the family. Nic presents a more masculine identity: she has messy, cropped hair, wears little makeup, and wears relaxed fitting jeans and button-down dress shirts. She is quick to anger, aggressive, a workaholic doctor, and operates more on conservatism and logic. Nic is both the disciplinarian and breadwinner in the family. In contrast, Jules is more visually feminized. She has long, smooth red hair, wears sexy lacy lingerie, and flowy or fitted t-shirts. Free spirit Jules is a more liberal. She is the nurturing parent – emotionally sensitive, compassionate and craves intimacy, characteristics that construct the femme (Martin 1996). These characteristics that construct Jules are antithetical to masculinity (Crewe 2015). These roles suggest that Nic is the ‘man’ and Jules is the ‘woman.’ This homonormative discourse continues throughout the film in a way that Nic becomes dissonant from the role of mother.
As the ‘man’ in the relationship, Nic performatively embodies a dominant, masculine ‘fatherly’ figure (Fox 4). In postulating a masculinized identity, she reinscribes heteronormative conventions. This is established early
The short story “Nilda”, by Junot Diaz, depicts the ever changing and complicated inner workings of manhood through its two male characters, Yunior and Rafa. The characterization of the two lead to very different outcomes when considering how they both behave initially, and respond to social and emotional stimuli within the story. They both conform to stereotypes within the male gender, and sometimes attempt to escape that confine. Both Rafa and Yunior give the reader a unique insight into what it is like to become a man, and also the way society labels you in ways that may not always apply. The different areas of manhood discussed are both broad in range, yet specific in considering the consequence of each aspect. The range of actions discussed in the story also creates juxtaposition between the two brothers in the story. They are in a similar living and social situation, yet their respective outwardly demeanor and outlook on life is vastly different from one another.
In society, most people agree with the conservative value of males are the breadwinners and females are the homemakers. Within this film, the values of these roles are reversed, and we see more women showing masculinity or power and men showing more care and thought into these situations. Daniel and Miranda have switched conventional marriage gender roles in that Miranda is the stern, stressed and workaholic mother whereas Daniel is the happy, loving caretaker of the children. There are many scenes throughout the film in which it shows how the male and female roles have broken the stereotypical standards. For example, in the Court House scene where Daniel, the father and Miranda, the mother are in court over custody of their children. The females in this scene look stern,
Culture is everywhere and is everything in the society. The society continues to create a variety of culture every day that appeals to the audience. Regardless, if it is nonmaterial or material, we as social beings continue to find popular culture amusing and appealing. Popular culture allows individuals to define who they are as many factors played a part in defining what individuals prefer in popular culture. This eventually leads to how individuals critique and criticize popular culture in society. In addition, popular culture illustrates the connections and relationships that are created from culture throughout history in the society. At the same time, popular culture reflects how the past influences its overall creation into the society.
Another literary device Farrell employs in order to convince his audience of his opinion on male identity is an intellectual tone. Many people who write about male or female identity do it from a very subjective point of view. They discuss first hand experiences, use emotional rhetoric, and attempt to appeal to their audience through the use of pathos. These elements combine to make the tone of these pieces very affecting and personal, but in general can leave many readers behind for the same reasons. In Farrell’s essay the tone is designed to be intellectual and objective instead of emotional and subjective. By writing in this more formal and informative style, Farrell makes a very logical argument which is relatable and understandable by all people and not only those who have had similar experiences as the author, thus improving his message’s effectiveness.
Over time the image of a family on television has changed, these changes highlight important issues in society - which can be seen through the comparison of Leave-It-To-Beaver and Modern Family. One of the main issues portrayed significantly is gender roles. In the 1950s, the World War 2 aftermath encouraged the traditional gender roles to be put back using sitcoms such as Leave-It-To-Beaver, which heavily highlights gender roles. On the other hand, 2000s family portrayal on television began to defy these ideals through switching the otherwise established roles of the mother and father in a family.
The authors value the many positive messages Pixar’s films hope to convey but call for a more critical view from parents in hopes of them and their sons understanding what visual and cultural messages they are actually receiving. The authors also assume that the audience is fond of Pixar films; the audience therefore should be familiar with male and female characters and general plots of Pixar films in order to engage in the book’s discussion. Believing the media’s enormous power in shaping how the public perceives the culture it is inhabiting, the authors make references to the media, including Pixar, noting what the content media deliver to the public can affect human’s behavior for generations. Feminists are both praised for their work done for women and criticized for their sometimes illogical responses toward scholars’ attempt to engender productive discourse of masculinity.
Throughout the novel, notions of gender roles are persistently instructed into the younger characters’ cultural system repeatedly. This issue first arises
Motherhood rhetoric – this sub-topic of rhetoric is niche and specific, but it relates to several vaster areas of rhetoric that are constantly being practiced and discussed. Feminism, gender norms, and social constructs all play into motherhood rhetoric, and consequently, these different areas of rhetoric that shape motherhood rhetoric also play a major part in “Mommy Wars.” Mommy Wars rhetoric is exceedingly prevalent and divisive in today’s society. In this Special Topics of Rhetoric Project, I will be examining and exploring the ideas in several sources that help clarify these issues, and consequently, the entities that are perpetuating this harmful rhetoric in today’s mothers. In both online and in physical relationships and interactions, the Mommy Wars rhetoric that divides mothers is perpetuated largely by cultural norms, societal norms, and media involvement.
At a point in Noel Perrin’s life, he suddenly became conflicted over his masculinity. It was such a breakthrough, that he had to analyze the whole situation. Although it took some years to finally grasp the concept of it, Perrin is now comfortable and understands the logic behind the typical gender roles; not from research and other people’s work, but from his own experience and his own ideas.
Society today places many ideals when it comes to proper behaviours regarding gender roles. These are considered societal norms that are widely debated and controversial. Society has created a norm, which encompasses specific expectations and rules that change the daily lives of men and women, giving them specific tasks and behaviours to abide by. These standards are known as gender roles, which are defined as distinguishing actions, thoughts, and feelings of males and females. Gender roles are said to be a result of nature, which is a natural process, every male or female is to follow. On the other hand it can be a result of nurture, which changes ones way of thinking and adapting their lifestyle to fit their environment. Either way gender roles are a part of someone’s life from the moment of their birth, as they develop, and long after that, this proves that gender roles are influential to a person’s life and development. This essay examines how media such as music, family life, and different parenting styles encompass gender roles and teaches behaviours regarding them. Therefore, gender roles define males and females are a result of nurture and not nature.
The foxes, which her father skins and raises, demonstrate the common perceived role of women in relationships, while her father demonstrates the commonly perceived role of men in relationships. The house that they live in represents the sphere of the woman and inherently where the daughter and her mother, as females, belong. The barn is representative of the workplace and is where the man belongs. In Munro’s “Boys and Girls,” forced gender roles limit both boys’ and girls’ contributions to society and happiness.
The first research entitled “The representation of gender roles in the media - An analysis of gender discourse in Sex and the City movies ” was constructed by Therese Ottosson and Xin Cheng in 2012.
What pops into your mind first when you think of popular culture in today’s day and age? The latest dirt on celebrities or the latest iPhone release? The latest controversial issue or the latest iTunes hit? Regardless, pop culture encompasses all four of these concepts and many more, which consume the world we live in each and every day. Think about education. At first thought, your mind may not make the connection between the newest Taylor Swift song and the highest ACT score, but the linkage between the two becomes undeniable when you dive deeper. Ponder this: each day millions of kids walk into school buildings across the United States, each of them glued to a little slice of pop culture, a.k.a. their phone. And each day these millions
Once upon a time there was a young prince named Peter and he was the prince of Egypt. when his father got sick he couldn’t take care of the kingdom anymore, it was his job to take over the kingdom but his father wanted him to find a wife so he wouldn’t have to do it alone other than the fact that he was only 16. So, he decided to go around the world to find a wife he needed oh so bad. He first started off in hawaii, Once he got there he realized how different it was from Egypt and realized he wasn’t dressed appropriately for it was less hot there and they spoke very fluent english for he can barely speak a paragraph “aloha” said the weird man looking man with a smile. Confused you turn to walk away, Until the man shouted “You must be Peter”
Popular culture is a term that holds various meanings depending on where it 's being defined and the context of its use. It is usually recognized as the language or people’s culture that prevails in a society at a point in time. As social researcher Brummett explains in his book “Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Culture”, pop culture reflects the characteristics of social life, where the publicly are most actively involved. Popular culture is known as the ‘culture of the people’. This culture is determined by the interactions between people within their daily activities, for instance, dressing styles, use of language, greeting rituals and the ways that people behave in public, etc. are all examples of popular culture. Popular culture is also diverted by the mass media (Abbott and Sapsford, 1987).