
In a Highly Dynamic and Turbulent Environment

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In a highly dynamic and turbulent environment, some mangers of organizations seek to plan their change strategy in the light of circumstances, whilst others have change thrust upon them.
Therefore, it benefits all mangers to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between the organization and its environment and react accordingly.

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the statement above and discuss the skills a manager might need to be successful in a increasingly fast changing and growing complexity business environment.

No matter what form of the organization that you work for, for example, a profit making company, a public sector bodies or voluntary charitable group. We all have been experiencing …show more content…

This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces referred to by Rowman & Littlefield in their book “Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity a Changing World.”(2004)

Globalization brings change in economic structure
Impact on business: Deregulation and opening up of national economies. For example, accession of China to WTO.
Challenges: Complex, fast-changing and unfamiliar competitive environment

Globalization also brings change in the basis of competition
Impact on business: Emergency of capabilities-based competition. For example, value/supply chain management.
Challenges: Managing the relationship with global customers, supplier, and workforces, etc.

Globalization change the shape of business organization
Impact on business: Growth in flexible working arrangements.
Challenges: Leading an organization of quite different design

Globalization bring a new manner of doing business, since globality offer much opportunity and competitive to our business environment. You can join economic

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