
In today’s business setting, having an edge against rival companies can make or break you. Loyalty

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In today’s business setting, having an edge against rival companies can make or break you. Loyalty is that edge that will have your company profiting and the customers returning. Frederick Reichheld’s theory, The Loyalty Effect, is one of the most useful and needed business strategies. Without loyal employees within a company, your company is destined to fail. I consider myself a very loyal person, not only at my job, but in all aspects of life. I am a manager at Maui Nix Surf Shop and every part of the job is based on loyalty such as opening the store on time, cash deposits, or staying on task with overseeing the store. I plan on becoming a computer engineer and hopefully working for a company like Google or Apple. I love their business …show more content…

Customer loyalty is probably the hardest to attain. In many typical businesses, as many as 45% of direct, new, one-off purchasers do not go on to purchase a second time (Clark). Customer satisfaction is first based on a recent experience of the product or service. This assessment depends on prior expectations of overall quality compared to the actual performance received. If the recent experience exceeds prior expectations, customer satisfaction is likely to be high (Wikipedia). Loyal employees will work with the customers making them feel welcome and the customer will be more inclined to come back to the company that treats them kindly rather than a company that ignores them or treats them poorly. As customer loyalty increases, the word-of-mouth advertising increases and people are telling their friends and family about the products and services a company provides solely based on how they were treated. With an all-around loyal business, business value increases and profits increase. According to Reichheld, loyalty is the hallmark of great leaders. Regardless of a leader’s moral imperatives, a leader’s ability to put the welfare of their employees, their customers, and their suppliers ahead of their own self-interests is a hallmark of the most profitable and sustainable companies (Williams). Reichheld introduced his theory in the mid-1980’s and hasn’t had much opposition towards it. Loyalty in

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