
India 's Quality Of Education

Decent Essays

India, statistically, has one of the best school systems in the world. Their enrolment rates, according to UNICEF, are on average 98.5% and their government outlay in education is the third largest in the world just after the United States of America and China. However, due to a number of factors, India’s education is lacking in quality. This was shown in the international PISA tests in 2009, in which two of India’s states, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, took part and came 72nd and 73rd respectively out of 74 nations. This found that there was an extreme lack of quality in education in India. There have been many responses to solve the issue of quality in education, however most are unsuccessful. Instead responses that cover less broad …show more content…

Many reports state that this programme was a waste of money as it failed to make a desired impact. Ultimately both these programmes indenting on improving education were ineffective in improving India’s education system and also failed to dramatically have an impact on the quality of education.
Responses that had more effect on the quality of education was responses regarding teacher absenteeism which is a leading cause of the issue in India. In a survey conducted in 2004, it was found that on average, 25% of Indian primary school teachers will be absent on a given day, which is the third highest in the world. Furthermore it is estimated that only 50% of teachers engaged in school are actually teaching the days they do attend (World Bank, 2004). Teacher absenteeism is estimated to cost India around 2 billion US dollars per year and it severely affects students learning outcomes (B.S., Sunil 2014). Along with teacher professionalism and qualification, it is considered to be the single most important factor contributing to the lack of quality in education.
There have been many government and NGO policies and acts to try and solve the issue of teacher absenteeism. Most notably was a scheme run in 2010 that was conducted by MIT. They used cameras to monitor attendance and then verified the results with random spot

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