
Indigenous Art Appropriation

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Appropriation of Indigenous Art
For years, the natives of Canada have been pushed to the side, mistreated, and abused. As a result, topics relating to the Indigenous community are very sensitive. Recently, a Toronto gallery cancelled artist Amanda PL’s art show, in which she was set to exhibit Aboriginal art (Nasser 1). In my opinion, it was just for the art gallery to cancel PL’s art show since we, as Canadians, have stolen many things from Indigenous people and their culture; therefore we should give them dominion over their artwork, at the very least. Additionally, Amanda is not of an Indigenous background so she will not be able to truly understand the pain and meaning behind the Native art work.
To begin with, it was correct for the art …show more content…

Thus proving, she does not understand the history and culture behind this type of art. By attempting to recreate these native works, PL is showcasing revisionist history; in which she is trying to interpret art work of a different culture (Ms. Guerra). She may interpret the history incorrectly because she does not know the real pain that Indigenous people go through, she only relies on what she’s been taught in school. For example, the artwork could have a spiritual significance and her recreation of it, may be considered disrespectful to the Indigenous people. In addition, Amanda is committing cultural genocide; she will lose the connection between the emotions and stories attached to the art because she will not fully understand as a non-Aboriginal (Nasser 2).
In conclusion, it was just for the art gallery to cancel Amanda PL’s art show because Canadians have taken nearly everything from the Indigenous community, including their culture, so we should at least give them dominion over their art. Additionally, PL is not aboriginal herself which means she will not be able to truly understand the pain and meaning behind this type of art. All in all, it is the right of Indigenous people to prevent their art from being taken over by individuals outside of their

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