
Industrial Revolution Essay

Decent Essays

The Industrial Revolution; Weaving Fabric Into History
The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the period from the mid 18th century to the early-to-mid 19th century, was a time of trial and error for both inventors and workers throughout most manufacturing industries. There was a shift in thinking, where people were focused on trying to replace production processes and equipment with a better alternative (i.e. sails were replaced with spring sails for windmills). While the spring sails were a significant improvement, there were many other ideas that failed miserably. However, these failures were are also not without their benefits. The Industrial Revolution, particularly with regards to the changes in the fabric and textile …show more content…

Prior to and during the start of the Industrial Revolution the textile industry did not have sufficient power for factories because people did not know of enough ways to get a source of power.. At this time, manufacturing was mostly done in small homes or shops (Industrial). It was just not possible, using their current equipment and processes, for workers to keep up with this high demand. William Murdock came up with an idea, that is related to the steam engine, using coal to produce coal gas for lighting. Coal gas is a combination of hydrogen (a chemical substance that is highly flammable), methane (a natural gas, used now for lighting and fuel) and carbon monoxide (a light gas with air density); which because of their properties and flammability, very useful for lighting. As a result of this invention, all workers (even peasants) could get the light that they needed in order to keep up with the high work demand around the clock, since one light could last for 24 hours. Another thing that helped grow and benefit all industry, came much later, with the development, mining, and use of petroleum as a power source at the end of 1850’s. This was when the usage of petroleum as a fuel for gas lanterns began.
Since there were not enough factories or energy, fabric and clothing were made by workers who were really peasants. The creation of these textiles took much time and countless hours of work by individuals, which is why it was good to have

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